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Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Worst Days of our Lives

KIACHAWANNA BABOSASAUNA. Hellooooo, people of the blogosphere!!! I just had the strangest day of my entire life. It was completely insane, and I rank it the weirdest day of my life, the second worst day of my life, and the second best day of my life. Here is how it began:
Today I did not have pre-period band practice (I play the clarinet), so I got to loaf around until 8:00. That's when I ate breakfast, got dressed, brushed my teeth, and discovered that dad had taken the car keys to work with him in San Fransisco.
I am almost always driven to school, and have never taken the bus in the morning. Until today, because I knew I'd be late for school if I biked, and the car was, of course, out of the question. Worse yet, I have no one to carpool with in my neighborhood. I was DOOMED!!!! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! That's when I remembered that the bus came to a stop just up the street. I grabbed everything I needed for school and ran at near-lightspeed to the bus stop with my mom, who gave me a buck to give the driver.
Now, since I had never taken the bus to school in my LIFE, and have only taken it HOME once, I was panicking. Was I too late to catch the last bus to White Hill? White Hill, by the way, is my middle school. Why they call it that, I will never know.
BUT... LUCK WAS WITH ME, because the bus came, I hopped on, and it drove to school fast as a speeding slug. The nightmare of the day was over.
Or was it???
While playing 'Pickle' at break, I barreled into some random kid who I don't know (I think his name's Riley or something), and fell to the gravel in momentous pain. I limped my way to the office, dripping blood from my left knee and elbow. I was given some ice for both and had to skip third period, which was P.E.
When the bell rang for fourth period, I staggered into class with two bandages and a VERY bad temper. On the bright side, I was setting the World Record for worst consecutive 24 hours achieved by a middle schooler. (At least I remembered all of my homework). During fourth period, I discovered there was a wasp trapped in the classroom. Now, I am highly allergic to wasp stings. In fact, the day I discovered that was the WORST day of my life. If I am stung, I go to the E.R. chop-chop, just like that. So for all of fourth period, I was sitting there not paying any attention at ALL to the teacher and wondering if and when the thing was going to sting me.
Nothing much happened at lunch, besides the usual. Someone pegged someone in the butt with a tennis ball, that someone ran off crying, someone gave someone 'the finger', the tetherball set breaks (again), so forth.
On the BETTER part of my day, I was given a cartooning job by my teacher. I am a HUGE artist nerd, so I nearly screamed for joy. The assignment is to draw pictures for the class to help build vocabulary skills. Not exactly Bill Watterson, but it'll do (great).
So, that was my fantastic day... not yet over. All I know about the rest of it is, I'll watch Spider Man II, have some hot dogs, go to sleep, decompress in a huge way, etc, etc, etc.
And so I end today's blog with a pearl of anti-wisdom: If the last eight years looked good to you, please get your head out of the corn chip bag. It's time to face facts.

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