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Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Private Sector is Doing Fine

It's official: Obama has made his first gaffe of the election. While answering questions, he said "The private sector is doing fine". Now, it is arguable that Mitt Romney's "I'm not concerned about the very poor" was even worse, but I have to disagree. People working in the private sector far outnumber people living in destitution. Obama has alienated much more of his base than Romney ever could.
But then I remembered a few other golden Romney moments. Take a look:
• "My wife drives a couple of Cadillacs"
• "I like being able to fire people who provide services to me"
• "Some of my good friends are NASCAR team owners"
• "It's time for another old-fashioned tax revolt"
• "Corporations are people, my friend"
• "I'm running for office, for Pete's sake-- I can't have illegals!"
• (Talking about his dog on the roof) "He really enjoys it up there!"
It's pretty sad. And the only things that he has on Obama now are the latest 'private sector' gaffe and the revelation that Obama smoked weed when he was a kid. Like, A LOT. Which means that this election now comes down to this:BROKER VS TOKER
That poster, by the way, was made on, check it out if you get the chance. But I made it myself. So if that tagline ends up being used on CNN, you know who they stole it from.
But really, who would you rather elect as president? We have one person who says stuff like "Hey guys, let's go smoke some Pineapple Express" and another who says "Hey guys, let's go cut a gay kid's hair". The choice is all yours. Graham Vert

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