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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Six Degrees of Osamanation

Here's something odd: Osama bin Laden's death was the same date as Hitler's death. Very weird. Fun fact: My friend Ben was born on the same day as Hitler. So was Muhammed. So Ben's either going to grow up killing millions or beginning a religion. Probably why our class voted him 'Most likely to be seen in the news some day'.
Ever since this whole thing went down, hell has frozen over. Cheney even congratulated Obama on getting him. But fortunately, we have a new group of people called the 'Deathers' to remind us that we're not dreaming.
These people believe we didn't actually get Osama. Hmm. At least the Deathers took the limelight away from the Birthers, who took the limelight away from the Conspiracy Theorists (CASTRO KILLED KENNEDY! YAAAAH!!!).
Speaking of birth certificates, Obama released his. Cool. In a three day period, all he had to do was say 'Here's my birth certificate. Here's Bin Laden. Screw you, Republicans'. Epic.

But still, nothing will satisfy Trump. And this from the guy with the biggest right to be satisfied in America. His own TV show, mansions, cars, trophy wives. This guy is, as he would say, HUGE! MASSIVE! FANTASTIC! INCREDIBLE! BIG! IT'S UNBELIEVABLE! ME!!!
It's unbelievable, all right.

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