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Monday, May 11, 2009

Links, Trekkies, and Potted Palms

Helllllllllllllllooooo, everyone!!!!!!!! Well, this weekend was pretty cool, with Mother's day and such. This year's Mother's day was actually fun because we bought a potted palm for mom! It has a very interesting pot. Also, I shall be trying to upload some pics of my cat, P-nut, onto this blog, but our digital camera's picture files are still on an old flash drive.
I presently have some thingimajigs to recommend, so I have devised a list of some very cool sites and videos.
hppt://, a site about a political satirist who pretends to be talking to little kids.
wookieepedia, the star wars wiki., where you can access any comic strip over any time period. and, two sites where you can watch ANY TV show that's still running. Hulu has ads and Joost doesn't, but you can only get The Simpsons on Hulu. (You can, however, access Star Trek episodes on both!)
I also must say that me and a friend of mine went to see the new Star Trek movie: 10/10 stars!!! We forgot to get nachos while there, unfortunately, but I finished off my entire giant kit-kat! I especially enjoyed the part where they spacejumped onto the planet-killing ship's drill. But when Vulcan was (EERTERTERT BIG SPOILER ALERT!!!!) destroyed, it ruined a LOT of the plotlines for the original series. SPOCK ROCKS & HE'S DEAD, JIM!!!! Plus there's some great clips on YouTube featuring Bones saying either "He's dead, Jim", or "I'm a doctor, not a ______". (maybe he could say "I'm a doctor, not a waffle iron"). Thanks for reading!!!

1 comment:

  1. I heard the movie was great. A Must see.

    Ok -- Here is a little trivia:

    Which Star Trek villain curses James T. Kirk (William Shatner) by quoting the following lines from Moby Dick: "From Hell's heart I stab at thee! For hate's sake... I spit my last breath at thee?"

