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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Call of Duty: Modern Nørdfare

My entire school got its picture taken today (well, just the 8th grade class). As usual, I was put in the back center, seeing as I am the tallest. In the school. Period. This actually surprises me, because there really should be SOMEONE in the school who's 6' 4". But no.
We ended up having an epic battle, with the short people calling us freaks and us calling them midgets. All in good fun, of course. Then we started a march through the school chanting 'Height Makes Right!!!' We didn't see much opposition, mainly because they would have been stepped on.
Unfortunately, I have other topics to talk about today other than my epic height-itude. Remember the Norwegian guy who killed over 70 people last summer? The guy was Anders Behring Breivik, and he stated this week that to prep for the shooting, he played Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II. Three words: What an asshole. We did not need this. Video games were just about to be accepted as what they are; a legitimate form of teamwork that requires skill, planning, and problem solving to play. But then Knut of the North over here decides to out himself as a COD player. BIG HELP.
I play this game a lot myself, and I haven't gone on a killing spree yet-- THE VOICES!!! STOP THE VOICES!!! Blaming the video game industry for violence is like blaming General Motors for car crashes. It's not the company's fault if someone uses their product in the wrong way. Actually, it's even MORE different: COD doesn't sell people guns. In fact, even with all my Modern Warfare 2 training, I wouldn't do very well at a shooting range.
But we will always have a group of overreacting nutjobs who think they can comment on the subject, even though they haven't experienced either gun violence or video games firsthand. It really isn't my problem if people think that games cause violence. But consider this: Not everyone who plays Farmville lives on a farm. Not everyone who plays Minecraft mines. And not everyone who plays Pac-Man runs around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive music. Wait...
Anyway, if anyone would LIKE to comment on the subject, I ask only this: Rent MW2 for a few weeks, play about an hour a day, and then go to a shooting range. How many targets did you hit? Did you do well?
I didn't think so.

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