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Monday, August 1, 2011

The Aftermath (Part Seven)

I've got my camera working, and you know what that means-- more mysterious trip pictures! But these have me stumped. Look.
Confusing, yes. But I have a hypothesis. That's a statue of Eisenhower. And the only place in England where they would even HAVE a statue of a US president is the embassy (which explains the security cameras).
Why would I have been at the embassy? Most likely, I incited an international incident, but that's the obvious explanation. Who knows why. Definitely not me.
We had a nice little family reunion a few days ago. Which is weird, because the word 'reunion' implies that I already knew these people. It was interesting. The food was good. And I got to see my aunt, who we affectionately call 'The Terminaunter'. Really. She can shoot laser beams from her retinas. If we hadn't come to that party... yeesh. I don't know what she's capable of. I'm afraid her walker would transform into a minigun and fuse with her arm. Needless to say, we drove like satan himself was chasing us, because if we had been late...
Let's move on. There was also a six-year old who seemed to think I was a god. The funny thing about six-year olds is that they think that everyone else thinks it's fun to go explore hotels. It was actually pretty funny. All he could talk about was 'Graham, where are we going next?' Of course, he called me 'Grant'. He ended up hanging off my arm like some sort of aquatic parasite.
Little kids are like, obsessed with me. It's probably because I'm thirteen years old and six feet tall. I was also the only one in the room who could carry on a conversation with him, because I was the one who was most recently six. For little kids, the world is a magical place full of venues where it's okay to chew on people's shirts.

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