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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Rush to Judgement

Rush Limbaugh is a giant asshole. Look, I'm sorry, but it just had to be said. I wasn't able to blog for a while, seeing as my great-aunt died, but this story must be covered at all costs.
During hearings to determine whether health care providers/businesses should have to pay for birth control, a woman named Sandra Fluke (the only woman in the room, but the way) took the stand and talked about how it was often hard for many women to afford birth control. Seems innocuous enough, right? WRONG. Rush Limbaugh, everyone's favorite man-ham hybrid, went on air saying that, if health care providers paid for birth control, they were basically paying for women to have sex.
Now, if he had left it right there, some might have said he had a valid point. But, knowing Rush, he had to take it to the next level... and the next and the next and the next and the next and the next... you get my point.
He called Sandra Fluke a slut. And it gets worse. He went on air the NEXT day and said that 'If the rest of us have to pay for you to have sex, Sandra, the least you could do is let us watch'. HE SAID THAT! ON NATIONAL RADIO! How...? Why...? I just don't get it. The guy sounds like the 47-year-old creepy uncle who you only see once a year at Thanksgiving and stares at your older sister intently.
And for those of you who think Rush had a valid point, let me just explain something. Some health care companies cover VIAGRA! Yeah! Viagra! And speaking of health care, the supreme court is currently hearing arguments over Obama's Health Care Bill (I REFUSE to call it Obamacare) to see if it is unconstitutional. It makes me sick.
Eventually, Rush apologized, saying that he's 'merely an entertainer'. But what does that mean for the thousands of people who actually believe the crap he spouts off? Their whole life is a lie!
It really proves the old adage, right? 'Never underestimate the destructive power of this fully armed and operational battle station'. Wait, that's not right. Um... 'Never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line'. No. 'Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down...' OH! 'Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups'.

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