By the way, that's exactly 100 exclamation points, although I wouldn't recommend counting them, as that could cause a pixel-induced headache.
I'm referring, of course, to the ever-nearing end of the school year. We have exactly eight more school days of weirdness and insanity to go. And if you don't think my school is insane, consider the following:
1) We found a disembodied rabbit head on the blacktop. Blood was all over the place. Yow. Then the janitor (who we're all pretty sure lives in the school) came up, put it in a plastic bag, and drove off with it.
2) On Friday, a guy came to school in a red velvet dress. I just walked up to him, stared at him, and said "Nice shoes". Not much I could say to that. I think he was trying to get out of school on a section eight.
Aaah, Klinger. I'll bet only five people who have ever read this blog would get that.
I feel old. And I'm only 13.
Anyway, back to bidness: 3) We dissected a cow's eyeball in class today. Apparently, the lenses are kind of glass-y. We had fun bouncing them off the ground and freaking out the squeamish members of the class. Then I stored two of them in my milk thermos and tried to get my friend Cody to drink it. Didn't work.
4) Our band substitute was nuts. She banned all playing of instruments during class and started screaming at us. She said our usual teacher wouldn't let us get away with the stuff we had done, so I decided to point out to her that she was wrong; he would have. Then I ended up in the office. I @#$% hate substitutes.
So, my school is insane. And I only have seven more school days to put up with it. And I have 14 days until I'm off to Europe.
Can't wait.