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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12/12/12 12:12:12

Today was the last repetitive date until January 1st, 2101, and I got to witness it. Also, my science teacher left the atomic clock up on the projector so that we could see 12:12:12 on 12/12/12. Do we have nothing better to do with our time? No. Absolutely not.

But this probably isn't the big and exciting news that you turned to me, your resident crazy blogger for. No, yesterday North Korea launched their first satellite into orbit, meaning that they are now the 13th nation to do so. Yeah, only 13. Really, other countries? You couldn't beat North Korea to it? That's just sad.

This means that, if NK has fissionable material, they could conceivably create a nuclear missile capable of reaching the United States. Yeah, that's right. A bunch of dumbass sociopaths living in a repressive society that can't even feed its own people have the capability of wiping the UNITED F**KING STATES off the face of the Earth.

But what's even more atrocious is that we didn't happen to see any of this coming. The State Department had absolutely no information about a North Korean missile being launched anytime this DECADE. So now we have only one possible option: Call in The Avengers. Yup, we be screwed.

On a lighter note, the Fiscal Cliff may soon raise taxes by $2,000 a year for some of the poorest families in America. Yeah, that's a LIGHTER note. The Republicans and Democrats haven't been able to reach an agreement, but it looks like John Boehner may be caving in like a giant orange Erector Set. If he won't accept Obama's proposals, the inevitable collapse of the American economy in 2013 will be on his hands.

So, did anything GOOD happen in the news this week? Not so much. But, hey, 12/12/12! I like to think that counts for something.


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