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Sunday, January 20, 2013

NRA: Neurotic Republican Association

It's the 20th of January, which means that Barack Obama has been sworn in to his second term. He'll have the public ceremony tomorrow, making him the only president (besides FDR) to be sworn in four times. As you recall, John Roberts flubbed the original ceremony back in 2008, so it had to be redone. Also, tomorrow is Martin Luther King Day, so everyone thank MLK for what he has given you: Racial equality and a day off from work.

However, s**t's going down right now that requires my immediate attention. The NRA has gone postal, and they're firing with both barrels now. They've declared that any effort to restrict gun access will be shot down. But in my opinion, they don't really have a shot. Even though their trigger fingers are getting itchy, the Democrats will be shooting back at them with the public on their side, and I'll be supplying every single gun pun that pops into my head.

Anyway, the left is blowing up over an ad that NRA put out that asks why Obama's kids are allowed to have armed guards around them at all times, when he won't push for armed guards in schools. But this was really just a shot in the dark--- the ad's slogan was "Are the President's children more important than yours?" But, yeah... they are. If some guy in Alabama gets his kids kidnapped, then the only thing the kidnapper can do is hold them for ransom. But if the PRESIDENT gets his kids taken, the kidnappers can tell him to do whatever they want. Release terrorists, attack Canada, put microchips in everyone's heads--- anything.

Oh, and if Liam Neeson's kids get taken... you know what happens.

Anyway, this debate is only going to get more and more heated. And I CALL SHOTGUN! This may turn out to be the deciding issue for Obama's second term. So I don't want to miss it. Therefore, I rifled through news articles this week, and came across something of interest: A 15-year-old shot up a pastor in Albuquerque, people accidentally shot themselves and each other at various national gun shows, and people have been shot recently in Springfield, Long Beach, and countless other places across the country. So, gun people? Any thoughts? I can't imagine what the blowback from this is gonna be like.


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