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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Son of a Gun

My class has been working on something called The Mars Project recently, which is basically a plan to put a permanent settlement on Mars. So yes, my school is badass. We were designing the oxygen garden/greenhouses today, and I had the biggest and greatest idea in the history of big and great ideas. Vertco Respiration Hardware. Yeah, it's a thing. Just connect a Vertco mobile greenhouse to your Mars colony and BAM! Oxygen, water, and potatoes. Graham Vert

In other, non me-related news, there were two more shootings recently. In Alabama, a man shot a bus driver and took a 6-year-old hostage, and in Arizona, a shooting left one person dead. So now we're just gonna move through the alphabet. Up next: Alaska and Arkansas. What's amazing is that this happened WHILE CONGRESS WAS HEARING GUN CONTROL ARGUMENTS!!! Talk about ironic... ha ha ha...

I've been keeping score for a week or so, and we're up to 1,440 people killed in shootings since Newtown. Go to THIS website for an ongoing tally. So, how much longer is it gonna take? Well, a month ago, I said it wouldn't take long. And that's why you don't look to bloggers to predict the future. Fortunately, President Obama has introduced a total of 23 gun control-related bills to congress, so that guns like this one don't get sold in Wal-Mart.

The Vertco ARBX-35 dual magazine rapid-fire sniper rifle with reticulating grenade launchers, laser-guided cop-killer bullets, pullback pump-action masterkey shotgun, bullet silencer, automatic crosswind calibrator, holographic ACOG heartbeat sensor scopes, and spoon-onet attachment. Comes with one free coupon for head examination at your local clinic.

Anyway, there's no point in owning a gun like that. As cool as it is. I mean, just LOOK at it! It's so awesome and--- NO! FIGHT IT! FIIIIIGHT IIIIIIIIIITTTTT!!!!

It's like owning a Hummer or a t-shirt that says 'I feel inadequate about my manhood'. And the real problem is the gun salesmen. They are only required to check their stock once every 18 months, they delete all background checks after they are performed, and the one at Big Five Sporting Goods called me an asshole when I told him that guns are responsible for 30,000 American deaths a year. So yes, I'm pretty pissed off.


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