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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Taste the Rainbow

I just got back from a trip to Santa Cruz, so I haven't been able to blog recently. I've been crying over the state of humanity after watching fat kids from Minnesota attempt to play pinball in a sweaty arcade building. So yeah, my faith in people has been somewhat lost.

But I can't talk about the dregs of arcade-going humanity for an entire blog post (lord knows I've tried), so let's talk about something that actually matters: Knock-knock jokes. THE TRIAL OF GEORGE ZIMMERMAN started this week, and it's off to an... interesting... start. In his opening statements, Zimmerman's lawyer saw fit to tell the following joke:

Knock, knock
Who's there?
George Zimmerman.
George Zimmerman who?
... Good, you can be on the jury.

The joke made reference to the fact that it's pretty much impossible to find people who are fair and impartial when it comes to such an explosive issue as this. However, it does not change the fact that you DON'T TELL A F**KING KNOCK-KNOCK JOKE WHEN YOUR CLIENT IS BEING TRIED FOR MURDER! Or did he just MISS that day in law school? By the way, I'd like to respond to that joke with my own:

Knock, knock
Who's there?
George Zimmerman.
Oh, come in, George. I have some Skittles if you want some--
... ugh...

Skittles: Taste the rainbow. Unless you're black and wearing a hoodie, in which case, using our product might get you shot.

I have the feeling that someone intentionally gave Zimmerman the worst defense lawyer in the country just to see him get fried in the electric chair. Not since the TRIAL OF O.J. SIMPSON has a court case gotten such national attention. And it's not gonna be over for a looooong time. Part of the defense's case is that no receipt was found on Treyvon Martin's body, so they say he stole the Skittles and tea. So to all of you criminals out there-- yeah, you people, who throw away your receipts right after you buy your Skittles-- the law isn't far behind you. One of these days, you'll slip up-- and some vigilant soul like George Zimmerman will be there to catch you when you do.


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