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Friday, October 12, 2012

Just Biden His Time

I've had an eventful week at school, so I haven't been able to blog for a few days. Not only did I go on a field trip to a movie theater where the projector broke (awesome), but I ended up going to see Looper again with some of the peeps today. Also, on Thursday night, I had to go to a Mountain Bike Club meeting thingy, so now I have to write this post at 9:30.

The big news that I missed, obviously, was the 2012 VICE PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE OF VICE-PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE-NESS!!! Joe Biden and Paul Ryan had a sit-down and really had at it on Thursday, and it was pretty awesome. I wasn't able to watch the entire thing (because of the aforementioned thingy), but what I saw was impressive.

People usually write off Joe Biden as the tongue-tied old guy who plagiarized the British labour leader's stump speech and got tons of hair plugs. But he was perfect in the debate. Not only did he bring up the 47% statistic (which Obama failed to do), but he worked Grover Norquist, anti-war sentiment, and several stinging attacks on Romney into the debate too. Now, some Republicans are calling Biden's comments 'offensive' and 'disrespectful', but it's really about time someone laid down the law for these f***ing Republicans.

Biden was just as outraged as everyone should be over some of the things the GOP has been burping up these days. Not only did he bring a welcome amount of reality to the table, he was a lot more LITERAL than Ryan. Let me explain:

So far, all I've seen Paul Ryan do is talk about vague, metaphysical concepts. He'll respond to a question without actually responding to it. Example:

"Congressman Ryan, why do you think your tax plan will create jobs for this country when countless studies have shown that tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans slows economic growth?"

"Well, I love that question {Name of interviewer}. Thank you so much for asking it. It's the first thing that goes through my head when I wake up in the morning and the last that goes through my head when I go to sleep. I believe that our economy is the best economy, and that our systems are the best systems. I believe that taxing our sacred institutions of small business would destroy economic growth, and that is how I plan to bring jobs back to America. Thank you and goodnight."

You see what I mean? I'm paraphrasing, of course, but the guy never backs up his ludicrous claims with any... how do you say it... FACTS. Maybe I'm biased, but I think Biden won hands down. A debate is really decided by who goes on the offense and who plays defense. And Biden never let up on this slippery little screwball from Wisconsin at all.

Anyway, the next presidential debate is next week, and it'll be interesting to see if Obama just flubbed the first one to make Biden look better. I'm looking forward to it, but I really don't like hearing Mitt Romney talk. It makes my ears bleed.


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