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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Rolling 5t0nes

I have been indisposed for the past few days, seeing as my ears were ringing, my head was aching, and altogether I was a tired, exhausted mess. In other words, I went to the Rolling Stones concert in Oakland on Sunday, and it was friggin' insane. SO MANY OLD PEOPLE TRYING TO ROCK... aargh... it hurt. Graham Vert

However, in addition to seeing The Pirate King and The Jagmeister in person, we had a suite, complete with pre-chilled chardonnay, a private bathroom, a flat-screen TV, free sandwiches, and a great view (provided you used my dad's binoculars). This was all made possible by my dad's cousin, who called him up on Saturday to ask if he wanted to see the Stones-- to which I can only imagine my dad said "YES! YES! OH MY GOD YES! I WILL OWE YOU MY LIFE!!! ALL PRAISE BE UNTO YOU, MY LEIGE!!! YES, YES YES YES YEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!"

Mere speculation. Anyway, it was fun on a bun. They played Paint It Black, Dead Flowers, Sympathy for the Devil... and there was even a little video at the beginning featuring celebrities talking about the Stones.

Not to mention that outside the stadium, there was a religious nutball with a sign that read "FEAR HONOR OBEY LOVE GOD", which was some of the most f**ked up s**t I've seen in years. He started yelling about how Rock and Roll was the devil's work, and that "Nobody's got time for Jesus anymore," so I yelled from the ramparts "AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FO DAT!" I'm not sure if anyone got the reference, but it was totally worth it.

I never understood the logo... I mean, yeah, it's a tongue... A+.

Mick Jagger now looks less like Mick Jagger and more like one of the melting face Nazis from Raiders of the Lost Ark... just sayin'. But it was fun. I smelled more weed that night than any other time in my life. And I live in San Anselmo, Marin County... so you know that's a lot.

Anyway, that's why I haven't been blogging. I got to school on Monday like a sleep-deprived zombie. But it was totally worth it. Bye!

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