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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

It's Been a While. I've Been Swamped.

Holy Shnerfanerf! I haven't blogged for nearly a month! This is bad, seeing as, in future generations, people will look to this blog as their new Bible. Okay, not REALLY, but at least for reviews on movies like Avatar which, by the way, I went to see for the third time.
I've been having a bad week. First, I was hit in the face with a rock, causing my parents to get all caring and helpful on me (don't you hate that?). Today, my best friend played a frickin' bad trick on me when he told me he was moving to France. I stopped believing him when he said he had planned this a year ago but 'forgot to tell me'. I plan to get him back on April Fool's Day...
Speaking of which, April Fool's Day is my third favorite day of the year, after my birthday (November 8th) and Christmas. Here are the pranks I have planned, as long as my teacher decides to go along with them:
#1: Hollow out a chocolate rabbit, fill it with wasabi, and give it to someone. Unfortunately, that someone's girlfriend found out and told him, so that one's a bust.
#2: This one is for my best friend, who I'm incredibly mad at: Steal everything in his desk and hide it all around the school, i.e., in the urinal, on the roof, in someone else's desk, and, hopefully, in an Eight Grader's locker.
#3: Get the entire class to hide around the school when someone's in the bathroom.
The rest I can't really tell because if anyone from school reads this blog, I'll have a problem. Let's just say I'm saving the best for last...
Speaking of school, my backpack is OUTTA CONTROL. Actually, it's not my backpack itself that's the problem, it's the binder in it. Not a single thing in that whole freakin' binder is clipped in. Nothing's sorted. I haven't thrown anything in it away, EVER. And, unfortunately, it ate some guy who thought I should clean it out. I call it 'The Swamp', and it's the subject of today's TOPIC OF INTEREST.
At the very start of the year, The Swamp was just a few doodles that I had drawn in math class when I got bored (which isn't hard in math class). But soon, teachers were excusing us to break minutes after the bell because they had to finish the lesson, so I, in a rush to get out the door, simply threw the papers we had been working on into The Swamp. Around November, The Swamp had mutated into a massive heap of loose papers that weighed more than a '97 PC. My homeroom teacher tried to get me to clean it out, and I was very successful. However, the very next day, The Swamp was back. That's when I started calling it The Swamp, after Hawkeye's tent in M*A*S*H.
On an unrelated note, our video in Science was narrated by Alan Alda.
Anyway, tomorrow we're supposed to clean out our binders, and The Swamp is looking bigger than ever. It's been so cocky since it ate that guy.
P.S.-- If I hadn't done a blog for one more day, it would have been exactly a month since my last one.
P.S.S.-- I recently celebrated my 500th cartoon on Funny! Yay! Only 500 more 'till I hit 1,000!
P.P.S.S.-- I finally found out what P.S. stands for! Post Script!

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