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Tuesday, July 10, 2012


For those of you who've been wondering, I love the movie Alien. And the movie Aliens. And Alien 3, and Alien Resurrection, and the newest addition to the saga, Prometheus. Which is, in my opinion, one of the best science-fiction films ever made.
 Prometheus starts off with a blue guy who looks like Dr. Manhattan supposedly sacrificing himself in order to create humanity. Then a group of scientists find some cave markings designating a far-off galaxy, which they travel to using the spaceship from Serenity, along with Data and Benjamin Button. So yes, the plot is not much to brag about.
 But what Prometheus lacks in plot, it makes up for with its astounding visuals, fantastic performances (particularly Michael Fassbender as a Peter 'O Toole-obsessed android), and general mythicism. After the scientists land, we're treated to the required half-hour where stuff goes according to plan before everything falls the f**k apart. The stoner geologist dies and comes back as a zombie and the biologist who supposedly knows everything about organic life gets killed by a cross between a cobra and a penis. Yeah, it's intense.

 The pure symbolism of the movie, however, will blow your mind when you think about it. The humans travel to this planet in an attempt to find their creator, but their creator (SPOILERS) basically says "F**k you" and starts smackin' them around. This is shockingly reminiscent of the Greek tale of (you guessed it) Prometheus, a titan who tries to bring humanity on-par with the Gods and who is then punished for his insolence by being chained to a rock and having an eagle peck out his liver every day. Ancient Greeks were hardcore.
 Anyway, final score for Prometheus: 8/10 stars. It wasn't quite equal to the Alien saga's best moments, but it was occasionally awe-inspiring. Watch it. NOW.

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