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Friday, December 14, 2012

Tragedy is a Warm Gun

Hey, does anyone else HATE Christmas music? I swear to Jesus Christ, every damn mall is playing one of those dumbass songs now. Maybe that's why there was a shooting at a mall in Oregon this week. Plus a guy committed a patricide with a bow and arrow last week. And if that's not enough, today a school in Connecticut was attacked by a gunman. 26 people were killed, along with the gunman's mother.

Unlike most Democrats, I'm not completely anti-second amendment. But I do think that allowing people with mental damage to own assault rifles is ABSOLUTELY F**KING MORONIC. Has it really gotten to the point where someone with a 38 IQ can walk into a sporting goods store and buy a Kalashnikov? Son of a bitch...

However, this still will never convince me and others that NO ONE should be allowed to own a gun. Sure, we can make laws stating that felons, minors, the mentally disabled, and others can't own firearms. But one day, one of those people are going to find a way to get a gun. And when they do, wouldn't you like to hear a story about someone shooting BACK and preventing a massacre in the first place? Yeah, I'm still waiting for that to happen.

But so far, that's only happened in TV and movies. John McLane will stop an enormous robbery, or Jack Bauer will thwart a terrorist attack. But in real life, I defy you to name a single instance when people have stopped a mass shooting with their own gun.

So, rack these two up in the files of shootings here in America. Columbine, Gabrielle Giffords, Aurora... and now two of these in one week. Not to mention George Zimmerman. When is this damn country going to get it straight that not ANYbody can own a gun? There are some people in my NEIGHBORHOOD who I wouldn't trust with a rusty spork, let alone an Uzi! And you expect me to tolerate this ridiculous s**t?

So, yeah. Everybody, this is the time for a LOT of petitions to go through to the White House. Even some Republicans are on the fence after the events of today. So, Obama? If you're reading this, the next thing you need to do: Renew Clinton's ban on assault weapons. How long is it going to take before we learn something from this?

My usual farewell doesn't coincide with the morose tone of this post, so GOOD-F**KING-BYE.

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