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Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Ultimate 100th Blog

Aaaaaaaaaahhh... here it is. My 100th blog. I had to do 18 blogs in one month and three blogs on one day to finish it, but there it is. Right now I'm watching M*A*S*H episodes and doodling. So here's one of every feature that I have, in honor of my 100th blog:
Today's TOPIC OF INTEREST is... Old TV Shows! I've gotten really into shows like M*A*S*H and Seinfeld. There. That's my TOPIC OF INTEREST. That was abnormally easy.
My pearl of anti-wisdom: if at first you don't succeed, stick your head in an oven.
My BETTER KNOW A SPECIES: Dipwads. Dipwads are people who, purposely, do a stupid thing over and over. I know several people like this. A Dipwad doesn't always know what they're doing is stupid, though, as proved by the Bush Years.
My BETTER KNOW A CARTOONIST: Mort Drucker, who works for MAD Magazine! Mort usually does a black-and-white spoof of a TV show or a movie. He's been with MAD for about 50 years. As a tribute to this, the usual gang of idiots used Drucker's name in their spoof of Harry Potter #6, in which they called Lord Voldemort Lord Druckermort. Here's a pic:

That's Mort's depiction of Tom Richmond, another MAD cartoonist.
DUDE, WHERE'S MY DIGNITY: Today we have... MY DAD!
On Thanksgiving, we were over at my grandpa's friend's house, and there were some teenagers there. I'm only 12 years old, so I was trying to act all cool. They were sitting there texting and I was trying to act all cool; they were only a little bit older than me. But then dad says: 'So, what are you doing? Just hanging out?' I was mortally embarrassed.
That's it. My 100th blog. I can't do ERT ERT ERT BIG SPOILER ALERT because I haven't seen a movie recently, and I can't do MASTER PLAN since I don't have a genius fix to a world problem at the moment.
I'll blog you soon
P.S.--- This was completed at 11:50 p.m.--- so there you are! 100 blogs before the year is out!!!

Better Know a Cartoonist Part II...

Edeu Fa Fa! Edeu Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa! Okay, that was odd! This blog needs to be short, because I'm trying to do three blogs today to hit #100 before the year is out! I hoped you liked my previous blog, and if you went through and read every single thing I hate, then please contact your nearest insane asylum, because I don't know ANYONE who would read all that crap.
Stephan grew up not far from where I live, here in Marin County. He was influenced mostly by Charles Schultz, creator of Peanuts. The comic, not the nut itself.
So anyway, one day when Steve was stalking Mr. Schultz, he finally found him and got a chance to talk to him at a local restaurant. Schultz told him to quit his job as a lawyer and become a cartoonist. So he did. Wow. How smooth. Graham Vert
Here's a picture of Stephan Pastis' cartoon, Pearls Before Swine:

It's about a rat, a pig, a zebra, and a goat, who are creatively named Rat, Pig, Zebra, and Goat. They sit around drinking beer and contemplating the end of the world, as seen in the picture. Supporting characters include the homicidal guard duck who stockpiles WMDs, the fraternity of crocodiles who live next to Zebra and constantly try to eat him, and Snuffles the Cat, Zebra's pet, who steals watches and runs an illegal bookie operation. Pig and Rat are the main characters.
Wow, this was a short blog. Join me next time for my official 100th blog!!!

The Worst Things on Earth

!@#$%^&*(*&^%$##!@#$%^&!!!!!!!!!! I am madder than @#$%^&*(!!! I saw a movie last night about the 2000 presidential election. Oh, boy. It is my professional opinion that George W. Bush was never the president of the United States of America. You have no idea how much of a pain in the @$$ it is to color all those letters. And it's all Katherine Harris' fault.
But before I get so mad that I'm using the F-Bomb on this blog, I think I'll change the subject. I recently noticed that I begin a massive amount of my sentences with the phrase 'You know what I hate?' and then I end with a long tirade about what I hate and why I hate it so much. So, for your viewing pleasure, here are all things that I hate:
Republicans, cold and/or damp towels, uppity yuppies, George Bush, idiot world leaders, raisins, global warming, Hummers, boring walks, stepping in horse poop, overpriced video rentals, Mississippi, Alaska, warm cheese, math textbooks, quicksand, spam, moldy and bruised bananas, dorks, self-help books, when people say money isn't everything, poodles in purses, the 'fact' that we're supposed to drink eight bottles of water a day, orange juice, minty gum, soap operas, bad plays, Borders Books & More, The Home Depot, Toys R Us, dipwads, lead paint, communism, Siberia, nazis, terrorism, one-ply toilet paper, having to change clothes for P.E., cats on leashes, dogs, cold showers, stupid iPod apps, dehumidifiers, dumb sayings like 'jonesing', raisin bran, lumpy cheerios, magazines devoted to mindless drivel, telemarketers, Dick Cheney, Idaho, Texas, Colombian Drug Runners, celebrities, the smell of stables, tea, jammed staplers, my cat's habit of chewing on tape, salmon colored shirts, cliffs, that stupid mounted fish that sings, Sarah Palin, magazine drop-out cards, stucco, bees, my cat's former vet, our idiot neighbor with the car alarm, that weird glow that 'energy safe' lightbulbs give off, our idiot neighbor with the porch light, Keith Olbermann, our idiot neighbor with the dog who constantly bangs his water bowl against the ground, nattily trimmed lawns, fat hamsters, sandals, visors, latex, stucco, crass consumerism, lights without dimmer switches, dictionaries, taxes, typewriters, drool on little kids, people who hate drawing, watermelons, grapefruit, eggplant, sour apples, people who use hearts to dot their 'i's, using your hands to make quotation marks, acid rain, people who misspellerate their words, smily emoticons, people who point to things with their pinkie finger, landfills, wasteful products like paper plates or plastic forks, pompous blowhards, concrete, sporks, persian rugs, pencil lead with cracks in it, wall-to-wall carpeting, sharpie ink, Mongolia, berets, crumpets, doilies, twee-ness, the color pink, wicker baskets, people who don't realize the nutritional value of ballpark nachos, crayons, curling, people who obsess about their hair, Rod Blagojevich, The Wizard of Oz, 'The Nutcracker', family time, Christmas specials, sappy movies, Lassie, the movie 'G-force', self-righteous religious people, e-cards, Bolivia, legal voting/driving age laws, tough erasers, thin mints, people who substitute real four letter words for idiotic sayings such as 'Oh, snickers', people who pretend that frisbee golf takes as much skill and concentration as operating the mechanical arm on a shuttle flight, the Amish, insanely high voting ages, insanely high driving ages, Frank Burns from M*A*S*H, monkeys who throw their s*** at you, fur coats, the smell of cows, jell-o, dry apples, Almond Joys, people who think nerdiness is an insult, stupid questions, people who say there's no such thing as stupid questions, clowns, and excessively negative people.
They're the worst. I'll blog you soon.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


QWERTYUIOP!!! Hi, people who are wasting their time reading someone else's blog! I just returned from a terrible experience, trying to redeem my gift certificates and return some shmuff I got for Christmas. I won't elaborate.
Okay, I will.
I tried to buy a DVD of Watchmen: The Movie. When I opened it, there was nothing inside. How shmuff. Someone had stolen it. And then we had to wait in a massive line to return it and get a refund. Oh, and then we tried to return something at Kohl's and got in the wrong line. I hate people. They are so evil.
I hit my 250th cartoon on Funny Times. Click HERE to visit Funny Times' Cartoon Playground and create some cartoons of your own using some of Matt Wuerker's click and drag drawings.
Also, today's feature is one I haven't used in a while: ERT ERT ERT BIG SPOILER ALERT! As you remember, just highlight the following blank space to see the spoilers. If you don't want to see spoilers to Sherlock Holmes: The Movie, then just skip it. Here we go: ERT ERT ERT BIG SPOILER ALERT!
The Sherlock Holmes Movie gets 8 1/2 out of ten stars. It was shmuffing good. The only bad thing is that Moriarty doesn't get too much of a role. But it was set up for a sequel when Moriarty stole part of Blackwood's cyanide machine. As it turns out, Blackwood never used any magic. It was all a big scam to get put in power, like McCain choosing Sarah Palin.
There you go. This was a short blog, but what are you gonna do?

Monday, December 28, 2009

Better Know a Cartoonist...

Okay, this is it! I have five more blogs to do before I'm shmuffed, and only four days to do them. That means I have to do two blogs on one day, and why not make that today?
Today's TOPIC OF INTEREST is my new-er feature, BETTER KNOW A CARTOONIST. Today, my personal favorite artist of all time, HERMANN MEJIA!!!
Hermann works for MAD Magazine, and grew up in Caracas, Venezuela. He is the best MAD Magazine artist the world has ever seen (sorry, Mort Drucker and Sergio Argones). His signature style is to exaggerate the features of whoever he's drawing. Sometimes he even sculpts models of his artwork. Not only that, but he's also colorblind! He does all this work without even seeing in color! He uses an extensive color tablet to ink his drawings. Or his wife just tells him what to do. Either way, it seems to work. Here's his model of Bush:
That is a genius work of art. It's my Mona Lisa. Join me next time when I talk about... STEPHAN PASTIS!!!
Today's pearl of anti-wisdom: Nothing is gained by cheating: unless you're cheating on a diet.
And now, time for an edition of MASTER PLAN!!!!! Everyone, you know I believe wholeheartedly in global warming. And if you put that together with the fact that our government is nearing bankruptcy, there is only one conclusion: put a cover charge of $20 for entering a gas station! This will only work if all gas stations do it, because if there's one charging $20 across the street from one with no cover charge... well... which one would YOU go to? another llama mama for obama-rama
Anyway, because of the incredibly high cover charge, no one would want to waste gas, right? Well, then the hummers would go out of business because there would be no demand for a gas-guzzeling expensive car. Less fuel emissions would therefore be pumped into the atmosphere and... ta-daaaaah!!! Global warming--- averted.
But, of course, you couldn't cease our dependency on cars that easily. So when people go to get their gas, the $20 cover charge is sent to the state's government! This would work especially well for my home state of California.
So there you have it. My solution to global warming and governmental bankruptcy.
I'll blog you soon.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Simply Singing a Terrible Christmas Song

SHAZAM!!! Hello, followers, visitors, and people who were surfing the internet and stumbled across this blog! Christmas is over, so here's the official list of what I got for Christmas. This is only an abridged version, so: if you are a relative or friend who gave me something, and you don't see it up here, I DID GET IT: I just need to hurry so I can do a long-ish blog today, unlike my previous ones.
A bunch of DVDs, including Revenge of the Fallen and the Jurassic Park 3 DVD set.
A copy of Lego Indiana Jones
A copy of Watchmen why so shmuffing serious?
A lot of Mythbusters DVDs and books (I can't believe that the computer's spellcheck doesn't recognize 'Mythbusters').
That was the abridged version of my Christmas gift list. Here's what I gave OTHER people:
For my dad: A CD of 'Foo Fighters'. Yes, that's an actual band.
For my mom: A copy of M*A*S*H season two.
For my grandpa: Another CD, I just can't remember what of.
For my aunt: A DVD of Robin Williams live on Broadway.
And for me, a copy of the STAR TREK MOVIE!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! So, there's my list of Christmas gifts here. I'll blog you soon.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Why the Chicken Crossed the Road

Hey, follower people! This is Why the Chicken Crossed the Road, a cartoon by me. Read it. Love it.
This is the shortest blog ever written.

With Liberty and Health Care for all

I am in kid heaven. At least, 12 year old politically savvy kid heaven, because the senate JUST PASSED THE HEALTH CARE BILL!!! HOLY FU...DGE. Obama has passed a bill that was waiting to be approved around Roosevelt's time!!! Holy shmuffinheimer!!! Of course, it was passed without a single idiot... I mean, Republican vote.
So, Glenn Beck's fearmongering, Sarah Palin's outright stupidity, Rush Limbaugh's fat-ass racist comments, the teapartygoers, Dick Cheney, George Bush, and FOX news all combined could not stop SUPER-BAMA!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Anyway, my grandpa is coming over to spend a couple nights for Christmas, so I need to keep this one short (again). I'll simply end this with a pearl of anti-wisdom. Bye.
If you can't beat 'em, join 'em... so we're supposed to surrender to Bin Laden?
P.S.---- I'm going to upload a link to one of my favorite FT cartoons, made by me. No, I am NOT doing this to heighten my blog count. Um... okay, I am.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Secrets Behind 'G-Force_Ratings'...

Oh, my god!!! I just realized!!! If I do more than one post a day for a couple days, I can do 100 blogs before the new year!!! I hate doing more than one blog on one day, but I have to, for the sake of G-Force_Ratings.
Many of you are probably wondering why I called my blog G-Force_Ratings. Well, the 'G' not only stands for my name, Graham (which can also be written as a circled 'G'), but it also stands for the word 'go'. Go-Force is the second edition of a novel series I am writing about three alien brothers, a buglike dude with a gas mask, a maniacal blue lawn gnome, a six-armed bartender, a grouchy old guy who kills people, a pasty dude with a dot on his forehead, and some orange guy with two tentacles coming off his head. Wow, sounds like something worthy of a MAD Magazine parody. If that's a bad thing. I'm not sure. As you may have guessed, Go-Force is my personal favorite edition to the series, which is why I named my blog after it. See?? It comes full circle!!!
The nine books in the series are:
- Galaxy (the series is named after this book).
- Go-Force
- Bloodstain Joe (named after the main character).
- The Powersource Battles (which is a crappy book. But when it's published, buy it anyway).
- Freeworld
- Squad Nine
- Apocalypse
- Infinite Empire
- Joe Galaxy
I have, however, not gotten much headway on writing them. I don't even know if the final drafts will be books, graphic novels, or what. I've only written Go-Force, Bloodstain Joe, and part of Freeworld. Ouch. I just wanted to do the best first. Next will be Squad Nine.
And, of course, the '_Ratings' part of my blog's title was made on a whim when I decided I would use this blog to talk about what movies you should go see, food you should eat, kind of like the New York Times. If I did this, I might right now be the most respected critic in my hometown of San Anselmo. Or, I could decide to use it to tell you about some random books about aliens that I'll probably never get around to writing.
The choice was simple.
I'll blog you soon.

A Very Short Blog About A Very Short Blog

Okay, I think I may have a problem.
This blog site's counting feature counted the unpublished posts that I left on the drawing board, so instead of having 99 posts with this blog, I have 91. Here's one of the unpublished 'ghost posts'.
Yo Yo Ma! I just created some GREAT cartoons using Funny Times' website!!! (If I do say so myself). I'm using it to create a series called 'Bushie, the adventures of a former president'. Follow the link in the previous blog to view my first one, then click on 'all by this author' to view all of mine! But, true to form, I need to do today's TOPIC OF INTEREST. First, I have a new feature: Dude, where's my dignity? I got the idea from seeing Rod Blagojevich sing Elvis songs at a Chicago office party. The man has no (say it with me) dignity. Secondarily, there is a HYS-TER-I-CAL video about Obama on Jib (or something like that, who knows. It's about how Obama the Superhero will save the entire planet. Here's an excerpt:He'll fix the schools, go to space, punch a robot in the face, he's Barack Obama, he's come to save the day! This is a hysterical video. Watch it. Love it.
This was a ghost post scheduled to come after my 'How To Stay Conservative in a Liberal US' blog. It was never published because I was too lazy to get off my butt and hit 'Publish Post'. Other ghost posts include:
-'Update on The Idiot Menagerie', in which I tell everyone that I still haven't figured out how to upload my comic strips onto my blog.
-'My Most Embarrassing Blog Ever', which I won't elaborate on. Let's just say that it was left unpublished for a reason.
- The first edition of 'The Valley Blog', in which I try to blog while talking like a valley girl, y'know?
- The blog in which I got my cat to blog by placing him on the keyboard. It was untitled.
- A totally random ghost post with no title and no typing.
- The first draft of my blog 'Books Books Books, We Got Books Books Books'.
- And it also lists THIS blog as a ghost post now since I'm still working on it. So, in reality, all my blogs are ghost posts until published. So, truthfully, this is my ninety-first blog.
But then there's my task of making 100 blogs before the new year...
I'm shmuffed.
P.S.--- you may have noticed that this blog's font is different. That is because this blog site is full of crap.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Spaz Out!!!

Aiooop!!! Hello, currently incarcerated homicidal maniacs! Today's blog is going to be short, in the spirit of 'I want to make 100 blogs before the year is out', so here we go:
I don't think I've told you, but sometimes, the human body is prone to spaz outs. A spaz out is when someone experiences a moment of no self control. Spaz outs can vary from jumping up and down yelling 'OOOHHHH, MY BANANA PEEL' to randomly saying 'koop' and then grinning while blinking rapidly. People who have these spaz outs are called 'Spazzes', and they are the subject of today's BETTER KNOW A SPECIES.
My friend, _______, is a spaz, so I always get a front-row seat on the latest form of spaz out. For instance, the other day, he yelled 'My butt is bulging!!!' and then rolled around on the floor. _______ the Whacko (the guy who was expelled for trying to kill the teacher) was an extreme spaz. I have miniature spaz outs, too, but none too weird.
Today's pearl of anti-wisdom: If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times: I'm not going to repeat myself!!!
This was today's amazingly short blog. Also, It has been blog #98!!!! I'm almost there!!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Better Know a Species

Okay, everyone. The year's events are all beginning to come together. The Health Care Bill will be voted on (and, hopefully, passed) on Christmas Eve. Also, this is my NINETY-SEVENTH BLOG!!!! Which means that in 3 blogs, I will hit 100. I'm trying to do a blog every day from now until Christmas Eve, in honor of the Health Care Bill's 'rite of passage'.
I'm introducing a new feature, ripped off from Stephan Colbert. He made 'Better Know a District', where he travels around the US getting to know congressional districts better. So my new feature is 'Better Know a Species', where you get to know the human genus better as I explain different branches of it. Today's genus: Lone Psychos!!!
Lone Psychos are a difficult species to catch on tape, so I laid a stucco wall trap for them. Soon, thousands of Psychos had gathered to tear the stucco off. Here is a photo that I got from that elusive encounter:

Um.... fine. So, anyway, after the Lone Psychos swarmed the wall and removed all the stucco, they finally ate each and every one of each other. The last one standing cannibalized
himself. No wonder this species is going extinct.
And also, it's the first day of winter!!! My butt is bulging! Sorry, that was a spaz out. And
that means that it's time to advance the 'ol ANNUAL CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN!!!! Only three days until CHRISTMAS EVE, and that means we have only three days until CONGRESS VOTES ON THE HEALTH CARE BILL!!! WHOOOOOO!!!! And we have four days until CHRISTMAS DAY! HOW SHMUFF!!!
This was a short blog, so here's another guest blogger feature! This is my friend, _______. He moved to another school two years ago and loves all animals besides dogs.
On Saturday I participated in the Christmas bird count. We got a total of 103 species. Our old leader Mike retired this year so our new leader was Andy. We only had five counters this year. But we covered 20 miles.
That was a guest blogger. I'll blog soon.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Washington Tea Party

HIBACHI SHMUFF!!!! Hello, people who are wasting their time reading someone else's blog!!! Well, it must be Christmastime, because the presents are just pilin' up under the tree. I mean, the house plant. Okay, the greenish couch. FINE! The greenish footstool.
My ANNUAL CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN indicates that we have only four days until I open my first present on CHRISTMAS EVE, and only five days until CHRISTMAS!!!!! You have no idea what a pain it is to color all those letters.
Today's pearl of anti-wisdom is: What you see is what you get---- so why is it that when I went to the store, the guy stopped me from taking all the Star Wars figures?
Today's TOPIC OF INTEREST is GLOBAL WARMING! Cue ominous music. Everyone, I know I've used this before as a TOPIC OF INTEREST. But so much was left unsaid! Which is why I'm introducing the IT'S THAT TOPIC OF INTEREST AGAIN feature. Any time that I feel more needs to be said, I'll just add it on in this. Unless, of course, I need to say even MORE, in which case I'll use a I'M USING THAT TOPIC OF INTEREST AGAIN AND YOU CAN'T DO A THING ABOUT IT, SUCKER!
Anyway, my point is that: I am only 12 years old, and I've already listened to both sides of the opinion and divined that one is wrong. Hint: It's the one Glenn Beck likes. Anyway, I don't see how long it takes for a couple world leader shmuffs to sign a piece of paper that says 'I'll help save the planet no matter what that idiot Sarah Palin says'. But it seems that I'm a genius, because not only do other kids not voice their political opinions (they just say, 'Uhhh.... doy. That can't affect me. Huh huh huh.'), but not a single climate change meeting seems to be doing anything to help the environment! Which is why I think we need to make GLOBAL WARMING BOOKS FOR KIDS.... and it's the subject of today's MASTER PLAN.
Just pretend I have a cool graphic of me in a detective outfit for that one, okay? Anyway, first off, we make global warming something little kids will care about, such as 'An Inconvenient Truffula', the sequel to 'The Lorax'. In this, Al Gore pops out of the stump that the Lorax once lived in, and whacks the Once-ler (played by George Bush) over the head. Anyway; then we will have a massive amount of kids who understand what global warming is, how it was caused, and how we can stop it. That's my MASTER PLAN.
And yet, we have not done this, even though everything is going the liberal way. We have another congressional majority (that we never use), the conservative 'future' is a whackjob with an insatiable thirst for slaughtering moose, we have a massive amount of support, seeing as our predecessor was a moron who screwed up the environment beyond belief. And we have
the first black president who has major international support. So why, why, why, why, WHY have we not done something? Why?

Aaaaaaaahhhh, yes, the tea party protesters. It's amazing how much of an impact a bunch of... rabidly conservative mentally unstable idiots can have.
I'll blog you soon.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Is Our Global Warming Waning?

LUMPENHEIMEN!!! Wow, the computer's spellcheck recognizes that word! I had no idea!
Everyone, I've been sick for a couple days now, and I think I have some catching up to do on some things you may have missed.
First off, celebrated Funny Times cartoonist Eric Per1in has now made over 1,000 cartoons! Yeah, Eric! For those of you who don't remember, Funny Times is a newspaper devoted to cartoons and suchlike. It also has a website where you can make cartoons yourself. Eric Per1in is the first cartoonist to hit 1,000, so as a tribute to him, here's a link to his homepage on Funny
Click HERE to see all of Eric Per1in's cartoons.
Today's pearl of anti-wisdom: We don't have a rat problem! utkfgouILGHiughUOUOUO> Sorry, a rat just ran across my keyboard.
Speaking of Funny Times, I am the 4th most prolific Funny Times cartoonist ever, after Eric Per1in, cta, and Elliemay. Other cartoonists include Konrad Schwoerke, Danger Dan, Yankees With Hope, and Sophie.
To see all of my Funny Times cartoons, click HERE. My pseudonym is Elephant Man. And no, I'm not a Republican. It's secretly ironic.
Also, I recently wrote a GREAT cartoon called the 'Funny Times Macarena', sung to the tune of the classic Spanish song, 'The Macarena'. My version includes brief, rhyming blurbs about the Funny Times cartoonists mentioned above.
And now, it's time to advance the ANNUAL CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN!!! I now have two days left until school ends, but Friday doesn't count, so it's really only one (on Friday we get to have a CHRISTMAS party). Also, I have to run an ANNUAL CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN correction. Last time I blogged, I said I had five days of school left until winter break. But since I was sick for two of those days, it was actually only three. We now return to our regularly scheduled ANNUAL CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN, already in progress...
Only 7 days until I get to open my first present, and 8 DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS!!!!! Whoooooo!!!!! As I've explained before, our tradition is to open one present on CHRISTMAS EVE.
Today's TOPIC OF INTEREST is the climate change summit in Copenhagen. Everyone, you should know that I believe fullheartedly in Global Warming. In fact, I believe in it so much, I use made-up words to prove my point. So even if some jackhole scientist was holding a cigarette lighter to the thermometer, I think Global Warming exists. It's just not as bad as we thought. Which brings me to Copenhagen, where the world overlords... I mean, leaders, are busy trying to figure out whether or not to save the planet. It's a difficult decision, so I am presenting THE PROS AND CONS OF GLOBAL WARMING RESPONSE. First off, doing nothing. The cons: By the year 2100, one million more species will be extinct, up to five billion people will suffer water shortage, Africa will be too hot to support life, 200 million people will lose their homes because of a three-foot water level increase, heat strokes and similar deaths will increase, and chunks of New York City will flood. On the pros, you get to keep driving your Hummer.
The pros of enacting strict fuel emissions laws: Nearly 600 million lives will be spared, species dependent on the ice caps, such as polar bears and walruses, will survive, and you can still go on an African safari. On the con side, you have to turn your Hummer over to your nearest cash for clunkers dealer.
I hope this helped you, world muckity-mucks. I'll blog you soon.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Shmuff Wars!!!

uyyyyyyyyyyyy. Sorry, I just fell asleep on my keyboard. I just got up at 9:15 to do this blog, so I'm hoping it'll be worth it.
The only reason I got up so early on a weekend was because I haven't blogged for six days straight, and I'm trying to keep a minimum of ten blogs for the month of December. Speaking of December, here's my ANNUAL CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN!!!!
First off, only FIVE SCHOOL DAYS UNTIL WINTER BREAK! HOLY SHANOOBA!!!! This is, of course, excluding today and tomorrow, which I classify as being 'weekend'.
Then, my Christmas shopping starts tomorrow. How horrid. I love Christmas, but there's something I don't like about the whole 'giving' part. Last year I had to spend $80 on Christmas presents, and it ended up robbing me blind. This year, I'm thinking I'll just get some gift certificates with no money on them. When relatives ask me why I gave them useless pieces of cardboard and plastic, I'll just blame 'that stupid cashier'. Okay, I won't REALLY. I'd only do something like that if I was living out of a cardboard box.
Then, 12 days until Christmas Eve, when I get to open my first present. Our family has a tradition of letting everyone open one present on Christmas Eve, as long as it's from someone who isn't.... present.
And now, the moment you've all been waiting for------- ONLY 13 SHMUFFING DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS!!! WOOO-HOOOOO!!!! Now, If you're wondering what 'shmuff' means, then your guess is as good as mine. My friend ______ made it up, and according to him, it can mean anything you want it to. I usually use it in place of a cuss word, like I did just now, or I use it to mean 'stuff', i.e., 'I hope I will get a lot of shmuff for Christmas'. Other uses for shmuff include:
'I want to go over to your shmuffer'. In this case, shmuff replaces the word 'house'.
'Don't eat that shmuff'. Normally a parent, referring to the amount of chips you eat.
'But I really want this shmuffing thing!!!' A phrase I have a tendency to say a lot. If I really want something, I refer to it as 'shmuffing'. Here, shmuff takes the place of the word 'stupid'.
And now, here's a Christmas fun fact.
In Austria, people celebrate Christmas in a VERY different way. Besides dressing up as a mall Santa, people go in parades... dressed as a demon. Known as Christmas Krampus, this demon flies with Santa and flogs bad kids using rusty chains. But, of course, the weirdness of Austrian tradition won't affect me here in California, right?
We're shmuffed.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Miracle Mile

You do your crumpin' in the morning! Hello, crazy insane people! As you recall, I am trying to begin each blog a different way, so this was today's. Of course, I essentially begin all of them the same way, in the sense that: 1: I do something random, and 2: I then explain it this very way. Oh, snap.
I have a new blog feature: I'LL BE THE JUDGE OF THAT!!! This week's is: The Miracle Mile. The Miracle Mile is a mile where every block ends with a red light. Over on the east coast, The Miracle Mile is a rumor. But over here on the west coast, we know better.
The Miracle Mile exists. Don't think for a second it doesn't. In fact, it's not even so much of a miracle. If it is, it's the only miracle I've had in my life so far, because I'm only 12, and I've beaten that insane mile 6 times over. Two of those times were consecutive. So... miracle? I'LL BE THE JUDGE OF THAT!!! The answer is no. The Miracle Mile is no amazing thing. It's still hecka hard to navigate through, but I've done it too many times for it to be considered a miracle.
Today's pearl of anti-wisdom: There are three kinds of people in the world: people who are good at math, and people who aren't.
I have begun a VERY epic undertaking on Funny For those of you who have short-term memories, Funny Times is a newspaper completely devoted to things that relate to hilarity. On their site, you can create your own cartoon, which I have done about 185 times over under the pen name of Elephant Man (no, I'm not a Republican. It's secretly ironic).
Anyway, in my new series, Elephant Man joins the army by accident. Check it out by clicking HERE.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Mmmmm... Link-ability

Kapowzit! Hellooooooooo, people who are wasting their time reading someone else's blog, and therefore obviously have too much time on their hands!!! Today's blog is mostly links to other awesome sites besides this one, so here you are:
Click HERE to access Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki.

Click HERE to access The Daily Show's website.

Click HERE to access the magic that is the fake newscaster 'Uncle Jay'.

Click HERE to access a wonderful online game called Robokill.

Click HERE to access the Funny Times cartoon playground, and click HERE to see all the cartoons I've done.

Click HERE to play Endless War 3, a beautiful game where you shoot random guys until you win.

Click HERE to access the Simpsons Wikipedia.

Visit all these sites, or I'll cut your car's hood off and put it in your bed.
I recently realized that I never finished uploading my poem, Rush Hour, onto this blog. Therefore, I made it into a series of 3 Funny Times cartoons. Click on the sixth link to find it. Unfortunately for you, I'm constantly doing cartoons, so visit the link fast to see it!!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

FTCP- Bonzai!!!

The Funny Times Cartoon Playground had a major glitch. Another cartoonist, codenamed Konrad Schwoerke, made a cartoon telling the FTCP people about it. I saw the cartoon, tried out the glitch, and Konrad was right.
With this glitch, you couldn't visit your 'all by this author' page, the page where you can see all the cartoons you've done. You couldn't tag a cartoon. And if you tried to search a tag, then it came up with a 'no cartoons found' message. So, expectedly, I was a little p***ed off.
I began making cartoons about the glitch. Eventually, when the FTCP people fixed it, another cartoonist gave me and Konrad an award. That cartoonist was cta, one of the best FTCP cartoonists EVER. He gave me and Konrad an award ceremony, and even put me and Konrad's likenesses in the cartoon. In one of my cartoons, me and Konrad fight over the award, and, oops, we break it.
Anyway, click on the following links to see either Elephant Man's (me), Konrad's, or cta's 'all by this author' page, in celebration of the destruction of the glitch. Bye!

P.S.---- 3 more of my cartoons got onto the Editor's Picks page of FT! That means they're eligible to appear in the next Funny Times newspaper, coming to you on December 21, or 27, or 3. Okay, I don't know when it comes out, but click HERE to see the Editor's Picks page. The first 3 you come to that are made by Elephant Man are MINE! Woohoo!

Monday, November 30, 2009

The Man Made of Awesome (aka ME)

Eeekoo chabba wa ki ki, eeku chabba pay co
Eevo lamma wa sti sti, meeku maaku mayko
Oh-KAY! That was random! As you recall, I'm trying to begin each and every one of my blogs a different way, so this was today's.
Here are some updates on previous stories:
My poem, 'I am Winter', got published in the California Poets in the Schools 2009 anthology, 'What the World Hears' (on bookshelves now for $14.99---- CHEAP!!!!! Sorry, that was a plug. I'm getting paid for it).
I am beginning a club: The IRULE Club. Open only to people who are made of awesome, like my godly self. Also, you must be very humble about it.

This is me. And IRULE!!!
Today's TOPICS OF INTEREST are the dorks who snuck into the White House, somehow breaking through all the security we set up around it. These two f***holes somehow evaded detection while they party crashed Obama's Indian dinner. Can we see a picture of the top CIA agents they were somehow able to avoid?
Um... yeah. That explains that. Of course, those of you born without a sense of humor may not know about Mad Magazine, a thing of huge awsomeness. Click HERE to access Mad's official site.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Technology Blog

Qwertyuiop. Hi! Amazingly enough, the first word I've used in this blog is today's brain tickler. Figure it out and you win 5 gallons of molten cheese.
Today's TOPIC OF INTEREST is technology, or as Bush would say, 'The internets and
Some people think that our numerous technological devices are making us stupid and sucking away at our soul. Not only are those people amish whackjobs, but they are also ipod-hating fiends!
I read an article in 'The Week' that suggested that constant usage of GPS devices causes your hippocampus to shrink dramatically. GPS could, apparently, also be responsible for dementia and other mental illnesses. Of course, 'The Week' also put out an article about how lefties live longer than righties, and there was also one about cat geniuses who can flush toilets, or play Beethoven's ninth. The day we classify playing a symphony with flushing a toilet is the day I will leap off a cliff.
But, back to technology.
I just got a very awesome technological device at a garage sale for $20. I did feel a little ripped off, until I realized that the retail price was $139.99. Mwahahahahah!
It's a remote controlled tank that has a video camera on it. You look through special glasses attached to it and see whatever the tank is seeing. Plus, it can climb up people's legs and spin in a 360˚ circle.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Going Vogue


Rorschach is a #$%^ god! He's the leading character in Watchmen®, the greatest graphic novel ever, beaten only by Bone. Go out and buy this book! It's inappropriate for all ages! There's blood! Guts! Gore! Swearing! Some random guy gets shot with a grappling gun! And it can all be yours for only $39.95 at your local Barnes & Noble!
Ahhhhh, Watchmen®, how I love you.
Everyone, I was as amazed as you when Sarah Palin's book hit the shelves. It's incredible. I mean, shouldn't you at least read ONE book before you write one? Especially one titled 'Going Rogue: An autobiography of the dumbest f***ing jackhole on the face of the Earth'. Sorry, that last part was my addition.
It seems many Republicans have been coming out with books, such as Glenn Beck's 'Arguing With Idiots, and why I bother to argue with myself'. Again, I added something there. Want to guess what?
Also, I noticed a remarkable similarity between 'Going Rogue' and another famous Palin exploit, codenamed 'Going Vogue'. Do we still have a picture of that left over from one of my July blogs, 'Half-Baked Alaska'?
Nooooo! No, I must not look, or the image of this unspeakable evil shall be forever burned into my photographic memory!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
For some more anti-Palin/Beck/Limbaugh stuff, visit my page at Funny! Click HERE to see all the cartoons that I have ever done (on FT). Bye!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Get the random guy!!!

Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh... I am in an evil mood. So evil, in fact, that my growls are red. Someone at my school, White Hill Middle School, won 100 bucks. Now, as you may remember, I can't say his name on this blog. But what I can say is...

Shake him down! Shake him down! Shake him down!!!!! Mug him!

Ahhhhh... I feel better already.
Today's pearl of anti-wisdom: Even a stopped clock is right twice a day--- unless it has A.M. and P.M.
Now we present... the legend of the wristbands! Everyone, I don't know if you've noticed, and in fact, I'm not sure if I haven't already told you this. But I've had a green wristband on for 5 years.
Until yesterday.
Some world-class jackass ripped it off. That's right, my wristband record is ruined. So, in the spirit of propaganda,

Get him! Get him! Get him!

Fortunately, my other wristband was on at the time, so now I have a new world record: Longest time to be in constant contact with rubber!
I still want that guy expelled, though.
And now, on a lighter note, here's a link!

Click HERE to play a wonderful game called Tanks.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Chase what matters: Chase Sapphire. Oh, $%^, you took over my title, too? Screw that!!!

Wsyurg. Helloooooo, children of the atom! Sorry, that was random. You see, I'm trying to start every one of my blogs a different way, so that was today's.
I have been working very, very, very hard on my Funny Times cartoons. As soon as I saw mine get published, I had to do it again. But lately I've realized: I never got paid, #$^& it!!! Now, the unfortunate thing is that I have no way of proving this. But, what the hell, I'll try anyway.
Oh, and I've started selling ad space on my blog. See?
Oh, and have you SEEN Chase Sapphire's #$%^ stupid new ad? What a sack of overgrown turds... fine. I have just been informed that ripping your sponsor is not politically correct---


@#$%^& that! Fine! I will stop selling ad space, beginning... NOW!
A contract is a contract. Seeya!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

21 Bucks

GREEN DAY! Hi, people! I have a lot to announce today. Firstly, today's blog is in total green font to not only salute the greatest color ever, but as a tribute to the greatest BAND ever, Green Day! They created such awesome songs such as Know Your Enemy, 21 Guns, and American Idiot. My band, Vert Day, is a spoof on THEIR band. By the way, 'vert' means 'green' in french.
Due to Veteran's Day, my birthday party, and a huge swine flu epidemic (I will get you someday, villainous pigs!), I have not been able to blog for a while. So here are some story follow-ups.
_______ the Whacko is gone forever, deported to a hellish place known as San Fransisco. Me and my best friend, ______, had a look-back on his career as a world-class butthead, and then forgot him entirely.
My birthday party was a hit (as usual) and we went bowling (also as usual). My presents included:
A copy of Lego Star Wars 1
A copy of Spore
A copy of Green Day's hit CD, 21st Century Breakdown
A 'Clone Wars' T-shirt
And a 'how to draw graphic novels' book, all from my parents. From my friends;
A silvery glitter ball (ooh, magic glitter!), 3 boxes of Wonka Nerds®, and 21 bucks
A lego set
A gift certificate to Toy's R Us
The book 'Ender's Game' and a gift certificate to Barnes & Noble
Also, my band has written its first songs (Know Your [Japanese] Anime, 21 Bucks, and Mexican Idiot [not politically correct]). Here are the lyrics to 21 Bucks. You really have to know the tune, so click HERE to see the Green Day video of 21 Guns.
Do you know what the lotto pot was?
It was 21 million bucks
Do you know how many people won?
'Bout a million...
I couldn't believe my eyes
When a million suckers won the first prize
When those ping-pong balls came to a halt,
I was ruined...
I won, 21 bucks!
What a rip-off, holy crap
I won, 21 bucks!
This lotto was, totally fixed
I'm in ruins...
Plus, I bought 'bout five thousand tickets
That's five thousand bucks, right down the tubes
There's no way to get all that cash back,
I'm in debt now...
I still can't believe my bad luck
This whole lottery really sucks
It's the end of the world for me,
I'm in ruins...
I won, 21 bucks!
What a rip-off, holy crap
I won, 21 bucks!
This lotto was, totally rigged...
I'm in ruins...
My house was just foreclosed
Then my patio was bulldozed
My whole life is full of woes
And I'm feeling pretty d**n hosed
I am now some bum on a street
With no shoes and smelly feet
I should know that I've been beat
I'm in ruins...
I won, 21 bucks!
What a rip-off, holy crap
I won, 21 bucks!
This lotto was, totally rigged...
I won, 21 bucks!
What a rip-off, holy crap
I won, 21 bucks!
This lotto was, totally rigged
I'm in ruins...

Monday, November 2, 2009

Holy Canoodles!!!

I will try to keep this as brief as possible.
My 'Classic Conversation Stoppers' cartoon on Funny Times website was published in Funny Times magazine. Elephant Man (my stage name) has now achieved feats of unthinkable awesomeness.
Oh, and my B-day's in 6 days. Yay me!

Click HERE to see my entire archive of Elephant Man cartoons, courtesy of Funny Times' website. Go F.T.!!!!

Click HERE to see the specific cartoon that was published (it's the second to last one on that page).

Click HERE to access the Funny Times official homepage.

Click HERE to access the Funny Times cartoon playground, where you can create and (maybe) publish your own cartoon.

And click HERE to play free 'Asteroids' online! (Sorry, that was random).

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

___________ the Whacko is TOTALLY @#$%^&* NUTS!!!

Wow! I just didn't blog for 7 days straight again! Cool!
Today's blog is about ______ the Whacko. I think he may have finally been expelled.
First, let me give you an update on recent things he has done:
1) In a whispered conversation during math class, ______ and ________ the Whacko were having an argument. Suddenly, ________ the Whacko stood up and yelled 'No, _______, it wasn't the pizza!!!'
2) In the middle of math, he stood up and yelled 'Mrs. _______, could I borrow a......... PENCIL?!?!?
3) When Mrs. ________, our science teacher told him he couldn't go to the bathroom, he began crying.
4) During math, he stood up and yelled 'I don't believe in evolution! I believe man was created by a giant turkey!!!'
5) At recess, he ran around yelling 'I don't have any nipples!!!'
7) In the last few minutes of history, we were playing hangman (there were no more lessons to complete; we finished early), and _______ the Whacko was running the game. He spelled out a 41-letter phrase. In the words of me, 'Well, the good news is that no matter what letter we guess, chances are it'll be in there somewhere'. But while doing this, my good friend, _______, mentioned that _______ the Whacko had spelled the word 'soccer' wrong in the phrase. ______ the Whacko then yelled at him with his tongue sticking out. Then another person in the class whispered to him that he had a booger in his nose, he yelled 'Holy crap, is there litter in my nose?!?!?' But that's not all. While everyone was laughing at this idiotic inanity, he yelled 'Order in the court!!!' When someone whispered 'He's crazy. Absolutely crazy!' he yelled 'I'M NOT CRAZY!!! HUHHHHHHH!!!!!! But don't go away! There's even MORE!!! As soon as the laughter died down, he pointed to another one of my friends, _______, and yelled 'HE HAS A THUMB!!!' When we had finally gotten the phrase (it was '________ _________ ________ is not a soccer at all.' Who knows?) he went back to his desk, but kept doing his whacky laugh and his catchphrase, 'Aw, SICK!!!' and also, a new phrase, 'IT'S ALL ME!!!' When the substitute asked him 'Are you finished?' he yelled 'Do I LOOK finished?!?!?!' When she gave him detention for talking back, he threw his chair, pushed his desk over, and yelled 'NURBYARRRRRGUHHHH!!!!!!!!!'
If he's not expelled for that, I don't know WHAT he'd have to do.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Eight-Day Blog...

HAISSHOMMME!!!!! Hello, random people who are wasting their time reading someone else's blog! Unfortunately, I haven't been able to blog for eight days straight, beating my August record of not blogging for SEVEN days straight. WOOOOHOOOO! BREAK OUT THE CONFETTI! READ 'EM AND WEEP, AUGUST!!!!
As you may recall from my blog ______ the Whacko, I have a person in my class who feels compelled to do the WEIRDEST things. Well, he finally pushed it too far. Here is the transcript from our rainy day recess (which we had to spend inside. The teacher was using the copy machine while this was happening).
"_______, what are you DOING???"
"Garr! I wanna eat your backpack!"
"What the----"
"Gaaaaaaaaah! He bit me!"
"Rangah rangah rangah..."
That was the sound of ______ the Whacko biting one of my classmate's arms. _______ the Whacko got suspended, while my classmate got detention for A) ticking ______ the Whacko off in the first place, and B) Hitting him in the face for retaliation. The detention was unfair.
I have begun marketing myself as THE NERDIEST MAN IN THE WORLD®, mainly because I have an autographed picture of George Lucas, creator of Star Wars!!! YAHOOO!!! Unfortunately, this leaves me highly vulnerable to burglaries. As my friend, _____ would say; 'Oh, canoodles'. (Same person who 'ran' for student council!) Fortunately, it says in big cursive letters TO GRAHAM, so unless someone ELSE named Graham steals it, I'm safe! Yayyy!
Not much else to blog about, besides the fact that my friend ______ is throwing a HUGE Halloween party. (NOT the guy who 'ran' for student council.)

Monday, October 12, 2009


I just realized that we had a holiday recently that went uncelebrated:
Yes! And Cad Bane is being included as a permanent character, too.
As you may recall, my friend, ______, ran for student council as 6th grade commissioner. Now he didn't win THAT, but he is now Mrs. ______'s homeroom rep! Congratulations, ________! I'll tell him the good news as soon as I tell him he was running.
Everyone, Halloween is coming, and that's always a good sign. That means that there's LESS THAN A MONTH TILL MY BIRTHDAY! This year's list: A cell phone, a copy of Lego Star Wars 1, and a copy of Spore (a video game promoted by Steve Martin!). But this also means that soon, people will be wandering around the streets dressed like idiots and begging for candy. That's why this year, just to ADD to the scariness of our house, I shall be throwing pieces of steak out our second story window at the trick-or-treaters.
People, I know we are all wondering which Halloween candy to buy. This is why I am publicly supporting the all-new candy, Seizures®! Their slogan is: 'They're so tasty and extraordinary, you'll eat so much you'll have a coronary!' Go Seizures®!

Friday, October 9, 2009

____________ the Whacko


Sorry, I just HAD to begin one of my blogs like that. Now, I KNOW that I haven't blogged for five days. But school cuts into my blogging schedule like a wolverine into warm swiss cheese (there's my favorite metaphor!!! Okay, technically it's a simile. So sue me).
Readers, there is a kid in my class who I simply NEED to tell the world about. On the first day of school, I thought 'Hey, this guy seems pretty cool'. On day two, I thought 'Hmmm. Well, let's not write him off as a TOTAL doofus'. On the third day, 'Okay, this guy's a whacko'.
His name is _______. As you may recall, I can't speak the names of anyone on this. A pain in the @$$, yes, but important.
I think he deserves a whole blog, as well as my first use of the new feature, Dude, where's my dignity? These are the voyages of the Dorkship Whackjobprise. And I am about to unleash this guy's stupidity on an unprepared and helpless internet. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
1) Picture this. In the middle of class, ______ raises his hand and says 'Mrs. ________, I found this paper clip on the floor, can I keep it?'
2) The incident where he said 'Mrs. ______, my zipper's stuck'. (He was referring to his backpack, but still!)
3) The 'Does anyone want to see my sharpie?!?!?' incident.
4) My personal favorite, 'Mrs. _______, my sweatshirt's stuck like this (it was over his head), but I don't want to struggle with it in front of the whole class, can I go outside?' Now, that was not the funny part. The funny part was when he bumped around the classroom, found the door, and in a mad campaign to get the thing off, began jumping up and down like a crazy person.
There have also been numerous other hysterical incidents, many of which are too horrific to describe. Also, I need to mention his most overheard remarks:
1) Aw, SICK!!!! Me and another person in this class tried to think what ______ would do during the nuclear armageddon. While the bombs were dropping, it was unanimously decided he would say 'Aw, SICK!!!'
2) NO! But in this weird whiny voice that kinda drops and rises as he says it, like this:
O O O O O O!!!!!!!!!
If you met him, I am CONVINCED you would be repulsed.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Karl Wallinger and Kanye West: K.W.

aç å∂´ƒ©˙ˆ∆˚¬µ˜øπœ®ß†¨√∑≈¥Ω Wow! Those are some pretty cool thingamajigs! All you have to do is hold down alt-option and---- TA-DAHHH!
Today's pearl of anti-wisdom: When there's a will, there's a way---- unless you want to wake the dead. Chez. Chez peanuts.
I live very close to San Fransisco. I live in Marin County, only a fifteen minute to half hour long drive away. And that means that we just couldn't stay away from a certain big festival in S.F.. I wonder what that could be...

Yes, Bluegrass came to San Fransisco again, and with it, the numerous hippies, whackos,
and random people who are running from authorities.
We went to see World Party at their big outdoor concert, but the internet is abuzz, NOT
because World Party was there, but because of Karl Wallinger's closing comment:
'This is one of the maddest f***ing gigs ever; we must be mad. Mad!'
All the little babies I saw in the audience got to hear their first F-bomb that night.
Everyone, I am a HUGE fan of game shows: Nothing's more fun than watching idiots who are not me humiliate themselves. Which is why I am rejoicing in the fact that Tom Delay, former Republican majority dork, is on Dancing With the Stars.
YES!!! A Republican idiot! I'm in heaven.
Today's TOPIC OF INTEREST is... Kanye West. In the words of Obama's not-so-off-the-record comment, 'He's a jackass'. Yes, I used the word 'jackass' on my blog :o wow. I think if Obama does it, it can't be that bad.
Ohkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, maybe not. Fine. I will never use the word 'jackass' on this again.