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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Now Hear This

I had the funniest day today. It all started in science, when one of my classmates invented a new way to remember the cell mitosis process (Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, and Cytokinesis, or IPMATC). He found that it could also stand for 'I Peed on the MAT, SEE?'
I have geniuses in my class.

Below is the best doormat EVER.
Then in connections, we were sitting there reading (that's what connections is for. It's a 20-minute part of the day where you read or do homework. Things are strange here in Marin) when we realized that the intercom was making weird noises. We crowded around, and we realized that we could hear people talking!
Obviously, this was a breakthrough, but we weren't sure if we were hearing the class next door to us (the walls are thin) or the office. I, being the daring public servant I am, volunteered to go to the office and say 'Hey, we're out of paper clips. Could we have a pack?' The office ladies lumbered around, finally finding a pack of paper clips that were remotely useable. Then they started arguing about whose paper clips they were. I excused myself, with the paper clips. When I got back, the entire class was practically on the floor laughing. They had heard the whole thing.
This is what I occupy my time with.

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