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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Who Killed The Wind-Powered Car?

'Sup, people who need a more fuel efficient car! I just saw the documentary "Who Killed the Electric Car" in science class, and it even further convinced me that Vertco needs some more fuel-efficient cars. Apparently, GM marketed a car called the Saturn EV, which was all-electric. The oil companies, however, put enormous pressure on GM and the other automakers to withdraw the cars from production. So eventually, GM had to repossess all the EVs, along with all of the Th!nk electric vehicles marketed by Ford, and the Toyota Rav-4 electric. It's unbelievable that something like that could happen. So now I'm worried that they'll target Vertco next.
As you may or may not recall, Vertco has a massive amount of AE cars. There's the Vertco Miubi, the Vertco Eruption, the Vertco Geode, the Vertco Skid, and the Vertco Wind. Here's some pics:
From top to bottom: Vertco Miubi, Vertco Skid, Vertco Incoming, and Vertco Eruption.
Anyway, that's why I'm investing my entire life's savings of $16.35 in the Vertco Electric Car Program, or VECP. I wish that spelled something.
Orders for the Vertco electric cars are pouring in, so order yours today and you might have a chance of getting one in the next 22 years. BP, I'll see you in HELL!!!
Sayonara, Capybara!

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