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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Too Much MindCrap

Oh, hiya, peoples. First, I have to say, I KNOW I haven't blogged for what must seem like an eternity, but school's back, and there are some scheduling issues. Also, I've become increasingly absorbed in an amazing game called Minecraft.
Basically, it's a free, downloadable game where everything is made out of cubes (dirt, stone, trees, etc). To survive in this randomly generated world, you need to build houses by mining with picks and shovels, kill sheep to get wool for a bed, and even make a creepy purple portal through which you can access 'The Nether', the game's version of hell. Here's a pic:
The farther you get into the game, the more amazing things you can build, which is sometimes helped along by a mod called 'TOOMANYITEMS'. All it does is give you unlimited everything. All you do is click on 'Solid Diamond Blocks', and it gives you 64 blocks of diamond.
Ever since I got TOOMANYITEMS, I have spend countless hours on Minecraft, earning it the affectionate nickname given by my dad, MindCrap. I have built a massive mansion, skyscrapers, a city of solid diamond in the clouds called 'The City of Gods', and even the Vertco World Headquarters.
As you can probably tell, I'm a little obsessed with it. But download it and you'll understand; it is the single most addicting game I've ever played. And really, it's not so much a game as it is just random building.
And it's pretty intense.

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