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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The 2012 G-force Coverage of the Republican Presidential Race: Part Three: Oh, the Hermanity!

Newt Gingrich is such a bad person.
Someone had to say it. When he was asked a question the other night about his ex-wife (who he left when he found out she had cancer), he didn't answer the question. Instead, he embarked on a long, monotonous egotistical power play in which he railed against the debate moderator for opening with the question. It is now official; mark the date. This is the day that South Carolina 'family values' voters cheered the most disgusting human being on the f***ing face of the planet.
But it's not just South Carolina. In other debates, the audience has booed a gay soldier and cheered at the thought of a hypothetical man's uninsured death. If ANYONE has a credible explanation for this phenomenon, please step forward.
Stephen Colbert's epic last-minute campaign in South Carolina seemed to have no effect. As it was too late for him to get onto the ballots, he decided to run under the assumed name 'Herman Cain' (no relation).
<<< Herman Cain
He held a rally in South Carolina just before the primary and you'll never guess who showed up-- No, not Ozzy Osbourne. Herman Cain.
<<< Herman Cain
The guy has practically redeemed himself. After Colbert (sorry, Herman) has made fun of him for almost four months now, Cain (the other one) got up there with him and didn't even punch him out. They even sang a really crappy song together.
But Cain will never live down the day he crossed Uzbekistan.

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