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Saturday, October 20, 2012


I'm a little fearful for my safety right now. You see, my blog was just read in Albania for the first time, and it seems as if the obvious reason is my recent post about Taken 2. However, the translation might not be very good (especially the part about nuking Tirana), so I'm thinking an Albanian death squad might show up at my door soon and abduct me. Heyyyy.... that's a good plot for Taken 3.

They won't find me, though. My hometown is awesome. I can vanish into the streets of San Francisco or escape to the hills of Novato if I want to. And speaking of which, there's a big Bay Area-related news story this week: METEORITES!!!

A big red streak shot across the sky the other night, making so much God damn noise that people thought it was another earthquake. I didn't notice it (I was watching Goodfellas, and there's a lot of big booms in that movie), but I heard it was pretty awesome. A frickin' meteor landed in upper Marin. BAD-ASS. So now there's a ton of space rock enthusiasts dicking around in the hills trying to find it.

Now, does this remind you of something? The last time a meteor landed in California, THIS happened:

So be prepared for more crappy sequels.

Let's also not forget the movie Evolution, where an asteroid full of microbes landed in the Mojave Desert and they evolved into a bunch of crazy mutant creatures... yeah, okay. It was kind of bad.

In other non-alien related news, Paul Ryan f**ked up again. Sorry, did I say NON-alien related? Anyway... the Vice-Presidential hopeful apparently barged into a soup kitchen in a pathetic attempt to feel the plight of the working stiff. He did many helpful things, including pissing off everyone who actually worked there and cleaning plates that were already clean.

Also, Romney and his cronies are trying to undo the damage done by his piddling little debate performance last week. The third and final debate is on Monday, so be prepared. My only concern is that my mom might not let me watch it. The Giants have a playoff game then. But for a little more election fun, click on one of the following links:
The Real Mitt Romney
Romney Style


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