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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Great Debates Part II: Show Me the Romney

The Second 2012 Presidential Debate of Presidential Debate-ness has ended, and it was far more entertaining than the original. Not only did we have a few golden Romney f**k-up moments, but Obama was on FY-AH!!! He CRUSHED Romney (at least in my opinion), and even used the last word to bring up the infamous 47% video. He also put to bed the misconception that he didn't label the attacks in Benghazi 'Terrorism' until 14 days later. Not like it even matters, but he did it.

Romney, on the other hand, was his typical whining self. He would go overtime, and when he did, he would shush the damn moderator and say "Well, I'm not finished." The man is a pathetic ball of elephant feces who should go die in a hole. But I'm not one-sided. Not at AAAAAALLLLLLL.

What really ticked me off was when people asked questions, EVERY TIME, Romney would lead off his response with the phrase "I'm glad you asked that question." Someday, he needs to say "Wow, what a TERRIBLE question. You suck. Your face sucks. Your question sucks." You know those people who say there are no stupid questions? THEY'RE WRONG.

So, Obama won the debate. He was hands-down better than Romney, and LIGHT YEARS away from his first debate performance, which was an admitted dud. I even thought the moderator was better, but someone needs to sit up there and say "SHUT YOUR MOUTH SIR, SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!!" whenever one of them goes overtime. And if they keep talking, they should get a little electric shock from the collars around their necks.

Also, the candidates should be hooked up to lie detectors. If a lie was detected, they would have to remove an article of clothing. Then MAYBE we would get a straight answer out of Romney. But then again, there's always a downside... we might end up knowing more about the candidates than we need to. Maybe Obama has a massive tattoo on his chest of a flaming skull. And perhaps we can finally find out whether or not Romney wears that Magic Mormon Underwear®. So many questions!

Wow, I got off topic here, didn't I? Anyway... Maybe someday I'll get to moderate a presidential debate. And in the meantime, you can enjoy the debates a little more by watching THIS video, an epic remix of the first presidential debate. I believe there's also one of the VP debate as well.


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