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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

___________ the Whacko is TOTALLY @#$%^&* NUTS!!!

Wow! I just didn't blog for 7 days straight again! Cool!
Today's blog is about ______ the Whacko. I think he may have finally been expelled.
First, let me give you an update on recent things he has done:
1) In a whispered conversation during math class, ______ and ________ the Whacko were having an argument. Suddenly, ________ the Whacko stood up and yelled 'No, _______, it wasn't the pizza!!!'
2) In the middle of math, he stood up and yelled 'Mrs. _______, could I borrow a......... PENCIL?!?!?
3) When Mrs. ________, our science teacher told him he couldn't go to the bathroom, he began crying.
4) During math, he stood up and yelled 'I don't believe in evolution! I believe man was created by a giant turkey!!!'
5) At recess, he ran around yelling 'I don't have any nipples!!!'
7) In the last few minutes of history, we were playing hangman (there were no more lessons to complete; we finished early), and _______ the Whacko was running the game. He spelled out a 41-letter phrase. In the words of me, 'Well, the good news is that no matter what letter we guess, chances are it'll be in there somewhere'. But while doing this, my good friend, _______, mentioned that _______ the Whacko had spelled the word 'soccer' wrong in the phrase. ______ the Whacko then yelled at him with his tongue sticking out. Then another person in the class whispered to him that he had a booger in his nose, he yelled 'Holy crap, is there litter in my nose?!?!?' But that's not all. While everyone was laughing at this idiotic inanity, he yelled 'Order in the court!!!' When someone whispered 'He's crazy. Absolutely crazy!' he yelled 'I'M NOT CRAZY!!! HUHHHHHHH!!!!!! But don't go away! There's even MORE!!! As soon as the laughter died down, he pointed to another one of my friends, _______, and yelled 'HE HAS A THUMB!!!' When we had finally gotten the phrase (it was '________ _________ ________ is not a soccer at all.' Who knows?) he went back to his desk, but kept doing his whacky laugh and his catchphrase, 'Aw, SICK!!!' and also, a new phrase, 'IT'S ALL ME!!!' When the substitute asked him 'Are you finished?' he yelled 'Do I LOOK finished?!?!?!' When she gave him detention for talking back, he threw his chair, pushed his desk over, and yelled 'NURBYARRRRRGUHHHH!!!!!!!!!'
If he's not expelled for that, I don't know WHAT he'd have to do.

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