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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Aftermath (Part One)

Ugh. Oh, holy god. This trip was the defining moment of my life, (and not in a good way). I will never tell the horror and evil that occurred on this trip, and even if I wanted to, I don't think I remember it. So, the next few blogs will be devoted to what I've been able to piece together.
First off, I woke up in the middle of Lombard Street two weeks after I left with all my clothes emptied out of my bags. All that was inside were a bag of frozen peas and a large iguana. My camera had the memory card taken out of it. Fortunately, I was able to hitch a ride home.
And now, I don't remember a thing. Except for the following:
So, I remember arriving through the London tube and thinking, 'Crap, they have some freaky cars here!' One example is the Skoda corporation, something that I'm sure that, If you don't live in Europe, you have never heard of. Here's the logo:
Now, it's supposed to be a winged arrow. But to me, it looks like a fish on some sort of steroid. But I'm getting sidetracked.
I also remember our hotel having inadequate showers, but that could be anywhere in a big city like London. And I know I was on a subway at least two more times that day... crap, I have no idea.
So, I know for a FACT that I also went to Paris, 'cause I saw the Eiffel Tower Figurine Store next to a McDonald's. I didn't come back with one though. It may be just because the iguana ate it.
I don't know what happened or how this whole dilemma began. But looking back at my previous posts, I saw that I apparently intended to steal the Rosetta Stone from the British Museum. I don't know if I went through with it, but it sounds right... but if I stole it, why don't I still have it? And there's this weird powder all over my bag... this is so screwy. Sigh.
You know what I need to find? My camera's memory card. If I could locate it, everything would make sense...

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