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Friday, March 9, 2012


There is a new, disgusting fad ravaging America. Not since the dark days of Justin Bieber and Twilight have those of us with good taste suffered such an indignity. It's called Dubstep, and it's just about as f***ing stupid as it can get.
Basically, Dubstep is the dumbing-down of all music as we know it. First there was Perry Como. Then there was Muzak. Then there was Rebecca Black. And now we, as a society, have reached a new low. Dubstep takes no skill. It takes no brains. It is merely electronic sounds pulsed into your ears for four painful minutes. Then the next 'song' starts. You know how the DJ used to make those noises with the record before playing it? It's just that.
I didn't think we could go any lower than 'Baby, baby, baby, bay-beeeeEEEEEE!!!', but this is unbe-f***ing-lievable. Those who listen to Dubstep should be put in a pit with speakers that blasts nothing but The Beatles 24/7. It makes me sick. There are no lyrics. There is nothing called 'talent' involved. Whoever the giant dickhead who invented this is, he should be put to a swift yet painful end.
So: On behalf of my generation, I apologize. We made crap like this popular. Eventually, we will grow up, and start listening to stuff like The Black Keys or Train, but until then, the rest of us will have to put up with it.

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