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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Hoodies... Hoodies Everywhere...

There's been a recent tragedy in Florida, and this time it doesn't involve election results. A black teenager was walking home one day when a neighborhood watchman shot and killed him after thinking he was a credible threat. Now, the teenager was carrying only tea and skittles, but those CAN be deadly weapons when combined.
Wait, I'm thinking of Coke and Mentos®. Never mind. Now, there's a lot of possible things to blame for this. A dysfunctional country, a poor neighborhood watch in Florida, the watchman himself... but Geraldo Rivera has another theory. Brace yourself: HOODIES. That's right. HOODIES. According to Geraldo, "The hoodie is just as much to blame for his death as the shooter".
Now, I'm not a fan of this theory, seeing as I wear a hoodie every day of my life (as well as basically everyone else I know), but it does kind of hold water. Besides, this wouldn't be the first time a hood has done something bad to a black person.
In support of the victim, thousands of people across America have started wearing hoods. That sounds a little awkward, given the picture I just showed, but you get what I'm saying. Broadcasters, news anchors, and ordinary peeps have been wearing hoodies every waking hour. Or maybe they're just in a gang. Who knows?
Not George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watchman who gunned him down. According to Florida's 'Stand Your Ground' law, anyone who is threatened is allowed to use deadly force. Now, there's no actual proof that the man threatened Zimmerman, but who's going to testify against him?
The guy's dead.
And on that happy note, bye!
(Sarcasm: Level 9,001)

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