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Saturday, March 31, 2012

The 2012 G-force Coverage of the Republican Presidential Race: Part Nine: Etched in Stone

There's been a lot of major political gaffes this past week, but I'd like to make the main focus of this post about Mitt Romney's. On a TV interview a few days ago, Romney's campaign advisor said that when Romney won the general elections, "It'll be like an Etch-a-Sketch. Everything will start over".
You can see the problem. That clip went viral and the day became known as 'Etch-a-Sketch Day'. This, of course, validates the GOP's worst fears that Romney won't stand for anything. Which is better than others. Romney may have set his beliefs in an Etch-a-Sketch, but Rick Santorum set his beliefs in stone.
Speaking of Santorum, the human ventriloquist dummy/presidential candidate made the news again this week, and this time it had nothing to do with his namesake. Santorum had just given a speech on how Romney is actually worse than Obama, and no one should even bother voting for Romney because he wouldn't make a difference. When he got off the stage to leave, a few reporters asked him some tough questions. They mentioned how he had said that Romney was worse than Obama, and he flipped the hell out.
His first mistake was to deny that he had said that. His second was to call the reporter a liar. And his third was to say "You broadcast any of that, it's bulls***". Now, you would think that Santorum would be much more open-minded towards bulls***, seeing as it makes up roughly 84% of his campaign. But he was freaking serious. He looked like he was ready to tear the poor guy's head off.
Meanwhile, Obama's gaffe occurred during a meeting with an envoy from Russia. He mentioned how this was his re-election, and that in his second term, "Things would be a lot more flexible". Five words for you, Mr. President: Are you f***ing kidding me? This is EXACTLY what the GOP is looking for! This is what they've been telling the American people about for months! Newt Gingrich even said that on your first day of re-election, you would wage war on the Catholic Church!
The funniest part about that wasn't Obama's major screw-up, it was the response. The envoy said "I transmit this information to Vladimir". Now, go back and read that quote with a Russian accent.
See? Anything a Russian says is funny! Anyway, Jon Stewart did a great bit on it. So watch it off of Hulu sometime. And by the way, the Etch-a-Sketch picture up there was drawn by me, and it's COPYRIGHTED. Don't even THINK about using it without crediting me.
You just thought about it, didn't you? Sigh.

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