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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Are You Ready for Some QUAGMIIIIIIIIRRRRREEEE!?!?!?!

So, I've been forgetting to post this for a while, but the results are in for my 'How will Qadaffi be taken out' poll. The results: three people say he will be shot down while trying to escape in a stolen hot air balloon, two say it will be a CIA assassination, and one says he will get electrocuted by his doomsday device. So, let's see if the longshot pays off with my ongoing series,
WAR AND... actually, not that much peace.
While fighting continues in Libya, something has been noticed: There has never been an official declaration of war. Even though we've dispatched troops, weapons, Hum-vs, and Geraldo Rivera to the battlefield, Obama has not declared that the US is involved in a third war. Now, technically, we're not. Reagan was allowed to supply guns and stuff to some Central American country (I think it was Honduras) without declaring war... but that was the Iran-Contra... or... something. Anyway, to declare war, congress and the house of representatives have to vote to go to war. And they haven't done that. So, as you see, we have a problem.
See, we are at war. But it's not REALLY war. It's just... a war mirage. Which is understandable if you're out in Libya. Unfortunately, if we decide we ARE at war, Obama will have a problem, as he'll have gone to war without congress's permission. But since he didn't get permission, it can't be war... this is all very confusing.
Another anecdote about Libya: Does this really qualify as a flag?
That's the current flag of Libya. Apparently, it symbolizes green.

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