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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Republicans-- What are they good for? (absolutely nothin'!)

Holy freakin' mother of god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just got back from a horrible *^*&%^$ vacation. Lassen #2. This time, however, we went to Hell (aka Pinnacles National Monument). It's practically a desert where you have to do a 6 mile hike in 109 degree weather. A fourth of the way up, I was seeing flying purple elephants wearing top hats circling the valley. On the plus side, now I have something to brag about to people at school; we saw two California condors; and there were a lot of spiky rocks, some of which looked like hot dogs.
Today's TOPIC OF INTEREST is... Republicans. Anyone who is the opposite of a Democrat is undoubtedly this. And you know what? I %&^%$^%& hate them. Once, they were the noble party of Lincoln. Now, they suck holy mackerel. And I mean SUCK. I'd like to think that some idiot &%&%ing Republican buttcrack like Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck is reading this, but that's too much to hope for. I mean, Republicans? READING? They don't have enough grey matter to watch Barney the Dinosaur. As some famous Liberal Hippie Democrat once said, I never met a Republican I liked. To end this special TOPIC OF INTEREST feature, I'd like to do something Republicans never do: I'd like to give my reasons.
#1- Sarah Palin. What can I say? The woman is a complete idiot. In her resignation speech, I believe she said 'Quit makin' things up'. So. I think this would be much more profound... IF YOUR TWITTER PAGE DIDN'T SAY THE EXACT OPPOSITE THING!!!!! She seems to think Obama is a socialist dictator who will send people to ask the elderly how they want to die as part of his 'evil' (not) Health Care plan, which, by the way, no Republicans seem to even be TRYING to improve on. I mean, if you want to say his Health Care policy will kill half the country, why not READ the bill, FIGURE out a way to improve it, and PITCH the new plan to Obama . Oh, wait, I forgot---- they can't read.
#2-Birthers. WHAT THE &%*&%*&^% IS WRONG WITH THEM?!?!?!?!? Can't they SEE he was born in the US? Are they lobotomized? Are they insane? Or are they--- shudder--- Republicans?!?!?! If you know a Republican, or if you are one, please tell me as soon as possible. Have you heard that 58% OF REPUBLICANS SAY THAT OBAMA WAS NOT -- OR MAY NOT HAVE BEEN -- BORN IN THE FREAKIN' US!!!!!!!!!!!!! Obama was born here. End of story. But no, all you retarded, slobbering, lobotomized maniacs would like to milk it for all it's worth, which isn't much. All these Birthers want is for Obama to be kicked out of office with NO FREAKIN' PROOF!!!!! They are complete $^%$^%ing @$$holes. The Birther movement leader, in fact, is a very well-educated politician who has explored the issue from every angle--- oh, wait. I read that wrong--- SHE'S A FREAKIN' DENTIST!!!!!!!!
#3- Town Hall Meetings. Fellow Democrats, I know you've tried to be patient. I know you've tried to be calm. BUT CAN YOU LET LOOSE A FEW OF THOSE BOTTLED-UP EMOTIONS WHEN THOSE LOONY &%&%(&*^HOLE REPUBLICANS SEND OUT A ((%&%^$ FLYER TELLING FELLOW CONSERVATIVES HOW TO DISRUPT TOWN HALL MEETINGS?!?!?!?!?! I mean, JEEZ!!! We've put up with those @$$hole Republicans long enough, $^*$* it!!! The *%&^ing flyer says this, and I quote:
'Move all your compatriots to the front of the crowd to give the illusion of the majority.'
Are you &$^$ kidding me? Ahhh, yeah, who cares about the amount of people who agree? I also notice, with some dismay, that most of the people actually perpetrating this crap are geezers with oversized dentures and bad attitudes. Maybe we SHOULD do the thingamajig with the 'people over 65 will be asked how they want to die' thing..... for Republicans only.
#4- Rush Limbaugh. The man who is destroying this country. I mean I'm THIS CLOSE from declaring this idiot brainless. Here's a quote from his show about Sonya Sotomayor:
'Here you have... a racist.'
Okay. He's brainless. I hereby declare Rush Limbaugh brainless! (And an @$hole). I weep for his offspring, having to live with the fact that one of their relatives is Rush Limbaugh. Obama---the first African-American President--- nominated a racist!!!! How shrewd!!!! I do have to hand it to Limbaugh -- he may make the 'Obnoxious Blowhard of the Year' award in my special award ceremony, the Demmies!!!!
#5- Glenn Beck. The man reeks of pig swill and incomprehensible Republican crap. (Yes, I used the word 'crap'. But since it's used on the national comics page, I use it here). FOX news (archenemy of CNN, the Clinton News Network) is the most obviously Right-wing slanted
network in the history of mankind. And Glenn Beck is the epitome of stupidity. He's just encouraging this town hall *^*(, which will get him sent right to HELL!!!!! Speaking
of RELIGIOUS places/people, one person at a town hall said:
'God will look upon you, and judge you for what you have done'.
I have one thing to say to you idiots -- I DON'T THINK SO!!!!!!!!!!!!! In fact, if anyone's gonna be judged, it'll be YOU world-class nimrods who go straight to HELL!!!!! (I wish I had some cool flame graphic to go with that, but there you go.
In closing, I'd like to change my TOPIC OF INTEREST logo. From now on, it will be TOPIC OF INTEREST. Guess why.

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