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Monday, April 26, 2010

Sleepover and Out

Yo! I just had an incredible sleepover at my friend's house! We went bowling, played 'Call of Duty' on his XBox, and ate so much ice cream that we exploded. It went great, until SOMEone kept farting and muttering their girlfriend's name in their sleep. This person shall remain nameless, mainly because he'd kill me if I said his name, but also because I'm just not that cruel to expose someone's flatulence. Here's a pic of Call of Duty:
This is possibly the craziest video game ever. You battle the other players in a free-for all (or you can gang up against someone) across numerous maps. My favorites are Terminal, where you're at an airport, Rust, where you battle around a massive, rusted chunk of machinery, and Underpass, which has a TON of tall grass to hide in and snipe people.
Also, my band played at our school again and we kicked butt, except the part where we had to play with the fifth graders. They can get really annoying, and their songs are insanely easy. And now I have Surfin' USA stuck in my head, since that's what they made us play with them.
I'm insanely excited about our new assignment in Language Arts: write a persuasive essay. I'm going to write it about the Tea Party and their incredible stupidity.
This'll go very well.
My friend is writing about changing clothes in PE, and it's going to be good. I've always hated changing into 'White Hill Wildcats' clothes every time I have PE, and maybe, just maybe, we have something here that'll change that. As I say, 'That part of school teaches you a very important skill in life: How to change clothes'. If you didn't catch the sarcasm there, we have a communication problem here.

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