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Friday, April 16, 2010

YO! Semite

Greetings, human playthings! I am on spring break, and I just got back from my trip to Yosemite! I made a Snowball of Mass Destruction (SMD), built three snowmen on the stairs to our hotel room, and ate a garlic pepperoni pizza for lunch! As you may have guessed, it went GREAT!
I also went to Chinatown in SF the other day and bought an extendable fork, a whoopee cushion, and a stress weiner! (It's not what you think. It's a foam hot dog. What did you think it was, you sick, sick person?).
Oh, and join me soon for my very last blog.
VERY, VERY LATE APRIL FOOL'S!!! Introducing the iTurd.
Everyone, I'm a HUUUUUGE fan of iTechnology. IPods, iPads, iSporks. Which is why I, in the interest of capitalizing off of every craze that America has, I am pleased to introduce...
The iBurger.
The iBurger has the most state-of-the-art iTechnology. It has a sesame seed bun app, a mayo app, and three different cheese apps! It has some of the newest games, such as 'Lettuce Eat You', 'Mustard up Your Strength', and 'I Think I'll Ketchup to You'!
This is truly the greatest iObject ever. It's the best thing since the iBrain, which does all that pesky thinking for only $79.99 a month!!!

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