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Monday, September 20, 2010

Zombie Apocalypse

My school is going INSANE.
There's an MTV sponsored event called 'challenge day' that happens every year at White Hill, and it's SCARY. I haven't gone yet, but here's what I've found out from the people who HAVE gone.
You basically sit around and get to know each other better. It's like a sixties revival party. It is SO SCARY. One of my friends went today, and he's gone insane. He ran up to me and hugged me and said 'I LOVE ya, man!!!" When I asked him what was going on, he said I'd 'find out tomorrow' and that I'd 'learn some respect'. I told him to take his pills.
Then I asked another person, who said to me (with a straight face) 'I'm sorry for all the times I've wronged you'. Apparently, when it was their turn to 'share their feelings and deepest thoughts', some people broke into tears. I know what I'M gonna do tomorrow. Just stand up and say 'The truth? The TRUTH??? You can't HANDLE the truth!!!'
By Friday, I'm worried that I'll be the only sane person at my school. I bet they take you in the Gym, feed you snails, make you smoke some Galapagos Finches, and indoctrinate you with all sorts of weird lotions and ointments.
If I blog tomorrow and use the phrase 'feel the love' at any point, come and shoot me.

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