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Friday, May 6, 2011

The Class Menagerie

We're watching another movie in science class this week. It's the fourth this year. And when I say movie, I MEAN movie. It's 'Contact' with Jodie Foster. The other movies were Gattaca, Jurassic Park, and Outbreak. We always end up watching a movie related to the subject at hand. For Gattaca, we were studying genetics (you'll notice all the letters in Gattaca's title are parts of the genetic code, G, A, T, and C). Jurassic Park, we were studying dinosaurs. And for Outbreak, we were doing a unit on viruses.
For Contact, we were doing a sound unit. And the movie, unlike most movies I've seen, is NOT the best movie ever. But what's weird was that I totally predicted she'd end up in Florida after she gets sucked through the wormhole. So, apparently, Florida is in another galaxy. That would explain a lot.
Unfortunately, the epic teacher responsible for this is leaving White Hill to teach at San Mateo High. DAMN! I was looking forward to another year of goofing around and watching movies. I hear 8th graders get to watch Evolution (the best movie ever).
This class is the best in the school. You can basically sit wherever you want (there's a seating chart, but it's never enforced). You get popcorn during movies, frog dissections, and the only good book to read in the whole school curriculum.
Sad. Also, I lost my infamous Goomba hat yesterday when I left it on the bus. I don't know who has it, but one thing's for certain: I'm finding that hat, or my name's not whatever my name is. I'm still feeling the effects of my 'WE GOT OSAMA' party. There's a special feeling I get when I wake up in a straightjacket duct-taped to the ceiling with 92 Wonka Nerds® in my mouth.
Aaaah, heaven on Earth.

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