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Sunday, November 18, 2012

New Crap II...

Heyo, non-loyal followers! I've made some major changes to the G-Force layout in the hopes of spiking some new hits this month (see my previous post, The Twinkie Defense). I added a calendar for those of you who don't know what day it is, some fish (OH MY GOD FISH), and of course, a new header!

Yep, it's almost 2013, and you all know what that means! Well, actually, you probably don't. But it means it's time to unveil my new, hand-drawn title for G-Force! Check this baby out!

Yes, it's pretty parkour. The Soviet Russia-style letterhead, the Official Vertco Seal of Approval, the flattering drawings of me and my cat, P-nut... it all works. At least, until 2014, when I'll get bored with THIS one and draw another. Maybe I'll do the next one in color... nah, too much effort.

In the background, you can see assorted crap from my junk drawer, or as I call it, DISTRICT NINE. Yeah, that's right. There's a lot of secrets in District Nine. There's a bunch of assorted aviators, a rubber chicken, a lava lamp, a knife concealed inside a refrigerator magnet (don't ask), a jumbo-size whoopee cushion, an Olmec Indian mask, a few dozen broken watches, and some masking tape. 

So, that's it for now. Check back in about a year. Then again, if the world ends in 2012, I won't be blogging again any time soon. Still, that's a nice suit I'm wearing in the picture. And if anyone wants to give me feedback, positive, negative, or otherwise, please say something in the comments... which have been going unused for quite some time now.


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