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Sunday, May 17, 2009

New brain tickler alert!!!!

Hi, people. I took a while to get the backspace key fixed, I know, but now I have a very interesting topic: the brain puzzler's answer! I will write it in white ink, so if you don't want to see the answer, you can keep trying. To see the answer, highlight the white space. Okay. Here it goes.

STEP #1:To solve the brain tickler, you first have to find it. The words are written in invisible ink, just like this. First, highlight the ridiculously large white space on "The Ultimate Top 20 and the First Brain Tickler" and read the word PHROMATE. The letters are all capitalized to keep you from knowing which comes first. STEP #2: Take the "M" from the word and put it at the front. This will be the first letter. Take the "E" from the end of the word and put it after the "M". Put the "T" after the first two letters. Take the "A" and do the same. The "PH" comes next. Place it in. Then take the O and the R and and add them in in that order. STEP#3: The letters will spell out the word "Metaphor". The answer is now clearly a 'Mixed Metaphor', like the phrase "you can lead a yack to the water, but you can't teach and old dog to knit a silk purse out of a pig in a poke". You're very welcome for this pearl of wisdom.

The new brain tickler is as follows: "What is at the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space, nowhere in infinity, and the end of every race?" The answer is simpler than you think.

1 comment:

  1. E!!!!!!!!

    okkkkkkkkkk you might have mentioned this one to me before.

    By the way I gave the answer to the first one in invisible Ink :-) did you see it?
