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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Adventures with iPods

Heeeeeeeeey, everyone!!! I'm back! I couldn't wait two days to publish another blog, but this'll do fine. Big news: I've got my first follower!!! I'm hoping they'll send off the link to their friends and family. Also, I must thank my dad's cousin for introducing me to this site.
Now, down to business. We recently got an iPod Touch, courtesy of my dad. Unfortunately, you have to go through all these REALLY TIME AND MONEY CONSUMING PAIN-IN-THE-NECK STEPS just to set the #@$^%^^*&(%*#@-ing thing up. Also, if you want to get internet access (which most people do unless they live in Pennsylvania Dutch Country), you have to buy a Wi-Fi outlet, the only thing that can make the $##$%^-ing thing work.
And now this is known to all intelligent people who decided to follow this blog. Join me next time when I reveal the coolest comic strip EVER!!!!! (and the worst). I shall finish this one off with a photo from (yes, another) one of our hikes. However, in this is an actual pic of Marin!!! Hope you enjoy.


  1. Hi there -- once you get it setup you will luv it...its worth the xxxxJJJoooo pain....
    Luv the latest picture ...very stormy ...dark .....artsy...did you take it from MT Tam trail???

    Is your cool comic series "Bones"???

  2. Yes, that is from Mt. Tam. If someone else is reading this, Mt. Tam is near where I live. The xxxx]]]oooo pain was the actual hiking up of that trail!

    Cool kitty picture!
