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Friday, July 8, 2011

Super Eight-Ball

Hey, people! I haven't been able to blog for a few days, because I played the new Call of Duty map pack until my eyes fell out, then I got an ear infection, and then my keyboard exploded... but that story's pretty boring.
So, I just saw Super 8 about ten minutes ago, and it totally blew my mind. Unfortunately, it was a little to derivative of other movies (a-hem, Close Encounters) that were much better than it. Still, you go in with the knowledge that it was made by the people who brought you Star Trek and Raiders of the Lost Ark, and you don't end up disappointed.
It was such a freaking cliche, though! It was possibly the most predictable movie I've ever seen. I could literally call out what was going to happen next. And as soon as you see a guy standing alone in the night, you can pretty much say, 'Oh, he's dead'. And I was also very disappointed in the alien. All they could come up with was a mutant spider with a few more limbs? Sigh. Final score: 7/10 stars.
But while we're on the subject of movies, here's an interesting anecdote-- and this is 100% true-- they plan on making a movie out of Angry Birds. Yes. Angry. Birds. The iPod app. The game with the weird little red bird who blows stuff up. And if you don't believe me, click HERE for the evidence.
I was saying a few months back that they should make a movie out of Tetris, with Keanu Reeves as the upright orange block. Now that doesn't seem so far off. And they're thinking of putting Space Invaders on the big screen, too.
At this point in human history, it's safe to say that anything goes. Why not a Fruit Ninja movie? How about Lightbike? Maybe Frogger? Pac-man? Asteroids? It's blowing my mind! The possibilities are endless! Parcheesi? Ah! I have it! THE SCRABBLE MOVIE!
It's time to begin production. But writing the script will be hard-- I only get to use seven f'n letters!

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