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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Grim Veeper

Hi-YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! Wow, for the first time ever, the beginning of one of my blogs has been recognized by this computer's spellcheck. Yay.
I was getting tired of talking about my alternate pen name persona that I use to create cartoons on Funny Times' Website, Elephant Man. By the way, the new issue of Funny Times arrived today, and I'm in it again. So, anyway, here's a picture of everyone's favorite idiot, Elephant Man.
I don't know if you can, but you might be able to click on this and make it bigger.
Also, I created another published cartoon, available to see on Funny Times' Cartoon Playground Editor's Picks (links in previous blogs), or in the latest issue of FT.
Also, I can't ignore the near-destruction of Haiti any longer. I wanted to talk about this earlier, but I couldn't come up with a funny 'play on words' title with either the words 'Haiti', 'earthquake', or 'Pat Robinson'. Wow, that dude's a d***. So, anyway, donate to the red cross NOW to help the newly-destroyed Haiti.
And finally, my official candidate for 2012 is my cat, P-nut Purrkins. I think our foreign relations will fall into line when all the world leaders realize I could just send P-nut to gnaw their ankles off, leave a hairball in their bed, or (shudder) put some pebbles from his kitty litter in their VCR. That was a nightmare to clean out. So that means Mr. Purrkins will definitely help us with our shaky relations with Kim Jong Il, aka 'Kimmie'. On a positive side for Kim,
P-nut's cat litter will at least make good padding for his platform shoes.
And now, I'm presenting the first use of my feature, I'M USING THAT TOPIC OF INTEREST AGAIN AND YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT, SUCKER!!! As you recall, I only use this after I've made a TOPIC OF INTEREST about a subject, and made a second feature called YES, IT'S THAT TOPIC OF INTEREST AGAIN about it. So this is the third time I've used global warming as a TOPIC OF INTEREST.
So, I just got the latest issue of Funny Times, like I said, and on the cover is a very provocative picture. Some guy is talking about global warming, and he says 'Yeah, but what if it's all a hoax and we create a better planet for nothing?' This is a very good point. It doesn't even matter what stage global warming is in, creating a better planet is something we should do anyway. Why SHOULDN'T we make better schools? Why SHOULDN'T we make a better environment? Here's your homework assignment for the day: Go up to a Republican and ask them that. I bet they won't have anything near a good answer.

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