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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Read 'em and Veep

YELLO SMELLO JELLO!!! Sorry, that was random. But I am on a mission to begin all my blogs a different way, so that was today's.
So, the dorks in my Egypt study group couldn't make me do the !@#$%^-ing Egyptian dance, so now I don't need to use Dude, where's my dignity? again soon, so that was a major victory in the fight against dickishness. As I think I've said before, I have declared war on dickishness. If it makes you prudes in my audience feel better, call it dorkishness.
Anyway, 2012 is coming closer every day, which means that I'll need a formidable running mate if I'm going to lose with dignity. I run for election every four years, even though I'm only 12. For my 2012 campaign, I'm considering my cat, P-nut. Some other candidates are:
-Jambread, the cockroach who lives under our sink.
-Anyone from my legion of friends, including my best friend, second best friend, and friend who ate a chunk of wasabi and barfed it all up screaming 'HOSANNA BANANA!!!'
-Roland, the fat kid down my street.
-Elephant Man, my Funny Times persona.
-Or maybe Biff, this blog's college intern who just turned four months old.
So, I'll turn this into a survey and see who I'll run with in 2012.
You may have noticed that I've added a 'Search This Blog' feature on my homepage. For those of you who are a) Amish, b) Mentally unstable,
or c) Person who still uses a '97 PC, here's how to use it.
Type in one of my blog's features like 'Topic of Interest' or 'Better Know a Cartoonist'. It'll come up with all the blogs with those features. You could also type in a phrase like 'Star Trek' or 'Wow, my eye is twitching', and it'll show you all the blogs I've made with those words in them. Click on 'More Results' to see all results on the WWW, or World Wide Web.
And finally, I've begun making every blog title a play on words or a clever saying (i.e., Read 'em and Veep, Is our Children Learning, so forth). I don't know why, but I think hours upon hours of watching Stephan Colbert and Jon Stewart is rubbing off on me.

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