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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

May the Farce be With You: A Star Wars Special Edition

Hello, and irrapadezz. Today's blog is short, but what I'm going to say has to be said.
In the past two years, I've noticed a fatal drop in the quality of Star Wars, starting with the Clone Wars animated movie (gag), in which a battle droid actually made a JOKE. They're droids, dummy. They can't make jokes. And then there was the pathetic episode of the Clone Wars TV series, 'Legacy of Terror', in which brain-dead Geonosians infected with zombified worms tried to kill a Jedi that I hate (Luminara Unduli). I stopped watching it after that. So, if Lucas doesn't stop making a farce of the force, I say all us Star Wars fans do something never done before: We stop worshipping the ground he has walked on.
Today's TOPIC OF INTEREST is, in keeping with my Star Wars special edition, Cad Bane, a current Star Wars: The Clone Wars character, and another reason why The Clone Wars SUCKS TO HIGH HEAVEN. Here's a pic:
Do I need to say how weird that is? I sure hope not. The guy is, like, some kind of a space cowboy or something. Of course, being a cowboy in the Star Wars universe would be hard, since they don't have any cows. Maybe they'd call him a reekboy. Or a rancorboy. Or a nerfboy. I dunno.
So far I've missed six episodes of The Clone Wars ever since I stopped watching them, and to tell you the truth, I don't miss them one stinking bit. It used to be that I'd wait every week to watch a new Clone Wars episode, and if there wasn't a new one, I'd watch a rerun. Of course, this all has to be done off the computer, since I don't have a TV. Yes, you heard me right. I don't have a TV. Call out the national guard, this has to be some kind of Geneva Convention violation.
So, anyway, our friend Cad here acts like any respectable space-cowboy. He shoots people. And apparently, George 'Don't forget he also made Howard the Duck' Lucas wants us to believe that even though all he has are a couple of guns and a really bad hat, he can go up against a Jedi in battle and win. I think Cad can be classified with other Lucas-ian failures, going down in history with:
The Ewoks
Jar Jar Binks
The 'Star Wars Holiday Special'
And the Ewok movie, 'Caravan of Courage'. Don't ask. Really don't ask.
May the farce be with you.

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