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Friday, July 16, 2010

I'm not Self-Doubting! Am I?

Hi, everyone! I don't know WHAT I mean by the title of this blog, but I've got a story to tell you that will BLOW YOUR MIND!!!
We just drove down to China Camp, a tiny little beach on the inner coast of the Bay Area that is apparently conquered by China (since we gave them it, everyone in Marin County is now excepted from the wrath of taxes when the feds try to pay back our debt). We were sitting in line, waiting to cross The Hub (see previous blog 'Staycation'), and I was holding my rubber chicken. When I moved my arm to roll down the window, the chicken hit me in the face. Me and my mom started laughing and comparing this to the Monty Python bit 'The Fish-Slapping Contest'. Of course, it was a chicken, but what the hell, why not? So, anyway, I started hitting myself with the chicken Monty Python-style, when I look out the window and see a woman staring at me through the window of her Rav-4. I thought "What the heck is SHE looking at?" when it hit me: she thought I was insane. Mind blow: BOOM!!!
She wasn't entirely wrong, of course, but I don't just go for a drive and hit myself with a rubber chicken unless there is a certain circumstance that justifies it all (like this one). So, she drives off, and I'm sitting there, thinking "I reeeeally hope she reads my blog, so that when I blog about this, she'll realize what's going on". So--- Rav-4 lady, that's the whole story. If you're reading this, thanks, I need the hits.

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