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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Isuzu Stormtrooper

Hell-o, people who are wasting their time reading this blog! I am embarrassed to say that...
My parents own an Isuzu Trooper.
Yes, an Isuzu Trooper, the cruddiest car anyone can own. 18 miles to the gallon. Almost as bad as a Hummer. Sickening. Here's a pic:
This car is unbelievably crappy. By buying a VW Vanagon, we could apparently save $20 a month. Yow. That's painful.
Also, I could sleep in it. That would be totally awesome. Unfortunately, a van can't fit in our garage. Even though we could park it in the driveway, it's apparently 'out of the question' because of that. The thing is BUILT to be left outside! It's a camper van!
Well, that's it. We need a more fuel efficient car. I think dad secretly just doesn't want to spring for a new car. Oh, well.


*Even though the Declaration of Independence, the document that Independence Day is built around, was signed by different delegates over a period of about 18 months that do not even center around the 4th of July, causing it to be a false holiday, and if we really wanted to celebrate the exact date/s when the Declaration was signed, we would have about 26 different holidays year-round.

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