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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Superblog CDXCIX

The Superbowl was this Sunday, and the 49ers lost to the Ravens. I suppose it's too much to ask that both the Giants AND the Niners win the World Series and the Superbowl in the same few months... but still, a bit of a disappointment. At least it would be if I cared in the slightest about football. What I care about far more is...


Yes, every year I award the best Superbowl ad the Vertco Trophy for Excellence in High-Quality Crap®. In the past, it's gone to Doritos and Coca-Cola for their ninja star and border guard ads, respectively. And this year, it goes to (drumroll, please)...

No one. No one at all. Because no matter how good any of the ads this Superbowl were, they were overshadowed by the Go Daddy 'Nerd Kissing a Hot Girl' ad. Apparently, there's been a recent uproar over this ad because it shows a bespectacled geek with cystic acne making out with a supermodel (who reportedly got paid $1,000,000 and had to go through 74 takes). The nerd was not compensated.

In other news, the novel I've been writing for my English class is almost complete. It's kind of a morose story, detailing the failure of epic proportions of a few men trying to kill Hitler at the height of WWII. But I'm at the end, and I need a good finale... "The End." No, too corny. "And he woke up to realize that it was all a dream..." No, to Oz-y. "And that, kids, is how I met your mother." No, I'll leave that one for Ted... anyway, I hope to put links to it on this blog sometime soon... around the time that I post my 500TH BLOG POST OF ALL TIME!!!

Yes, my next post shall be my ultimate 500th. So, how shall I use it? To tell the story of North Korea's latest leaked propaganda? To give my opinion on how the post office is no longer delivering mail on Saturdays? To further the goal of the internet's media in our glorious quest to keep you, our loyal readers, informed?

No. Stay tuned for tomorrow's ULTIMATE 500TH BLOG POST, with a list of my top 25 favorite posts!!! Don't miss it!!! It's going to be legen... wait for it...

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