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Saturday, February 4, 2012

The 2012 G-force Coverage of the Republican Presidential Race: Part Four: The Campaign-over

The Nevada primaries are today, and I'm not even going to TRY to call this one. I thought Ron Paul had Florida in the bag, because old people can really connect with an old person. But, I was way off the mark, so I'm going to sit this one out.
Which gives me time to talk about my new movie, The Campaign-over.
Yes, I photoshopped that myself, thank you very much. And it is beast mode. After a rough night of campaigning in Vegas, Romney, Gingrich, and Ron Paul wake up completely hung over, with no memory of what happened the night before. They find a baby (Rick Perry) in the hotel room safe, and a tiger (which belongs to Karl Rove) in the bathroom.
They can't find Rick Santorum, and spend hours searching for him. As the polls begin to come in, tensions rise among the group. Then Gingrich finds Santorum on the roof.
Fun fact: No matter HOW high they are, no one would ever marry Michelle Bachmann.
On their way to their respective campaign headquarters, the four make a pact to never speak of what happened again, as it could sink all their campaigns. Stay tuned for The Campaign-over Part II! Remember: What happens in Vegas may stay in Vegas, but what happens in Bangkok... let's just say it has something to do with the word 'Santorum'.
Actually, now that I think about it, Gingrich should be Phil and Romney should be Stu. But it's too late to change it; I'm not photoshopping that thing all over again. If you think about how long it took for me to make THIS crappy thing, imagine how long it would take for me to make one that was any good.

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