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Saturday, June 20, 2009

I'm in a Rassa-Frackin' mood...

&^&(&. Hi, everyone. I just looked at my Wookieepedia article and someone has completely demolished it. All my work was for practically nadda.
But, to prove what a good sport I am, I'll skip all that and talk about today's....TOPIC OF INTEREST! Today's merges itself with my other features. Let's begin with MASTER PLAN. That's right, today's TOPIC OF INTEREST is my MASTER PLAN FOR NORTH KOREA!!!! This guy, Kim Jong Ev-il, is a complete @$$. He has got to be kicked the heck out. My plan is to send some fearless assassins (might I suggest Elvis, Yoda, Nixon, and King George, even though most of them are rumored to be dead) to assassinate Kim from the mountains of North Korea. Simple as that. If you remember my comic strip, THE IDIOT MENAGERIE, my characters once did this very thing, where they marched through Northern Siberia in an escapade we now call LAWRENCE OF SIBERIA. However, seeing how that turned out, we should probably resort to less drastic measures. Oh, and they could also throw in the 'Care Bears' and Whinnie the Poo with the rest of the assassins. Not that Darth Vader and Spock couldn't help out too.
This brings us to my final feature: WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!?! What is wrong with that Kim Jong Il guy? The stupid freakasaurus rex! By the way, that could be another new word.
In other news, a Fly family has been in disarray for the past few days since President Obama smashed their great-great-great-great grandfather, who had a long and prosperous life. For a fly. In only five and a half hours of life, the man became the most famous fly ever and great-great-great-great grandfather to over 5,682,234,964 children and adults. This, of course, ruins Obama's campaign policy of 'I would never hurt a fly'. Hmmmm? What was that, computer? I have just been told by my new computer that that fly was actually a secret agent fly, who was sent to guard the president. The fly knew the dangers of his job, one of them being Obama's reflexes. As any Rabid Republican would say, 'He should go to jail for murdering that poor, poor------'

I have just been informed that asking a president to be jailed for murdering a fly... is illegal. We will make sure no Republicans use this as leverage. Hear that, Mr. Limbaugh?