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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Is Our Global Warming Waning?

LUMPENHEIMEN!!! Wow, the computer's spellcheck recognizes that word! I had no idea!
Everyone, I've been sick for a couple days now, and I think I have some catching up to do on some things you may have missed.
First off, celebrated Funny Times cartoonist Eric Per1in has now made over 1,000 cartoons! Yeah, Eric! For those of you who don't remember, Funny Times is a newspaper devoted to cartoons and suchlike. It also has a website where you can make cartoons yourself. Eric Per1in is the first cartoonist to hit 1,000, so as a tribute to him, here's a link to his homepage on Funny
Click HERE to see all of Eric Per1in's cartoons.
Today's pearl of anti-wisdom: We don't have a rat problem! utkfgouILGHiughUOUOUO> Sorry, a rat just ran across my keyboard.
Speaking of Funny Times, I am the 4th most prolific Funny Times cartoonist ever, after Eric Per1in, cta, and Elliemay. Other cartoonists include Konrad Schwoerke, Danger Dan, Yankees With Hope, and Sophie.
To see all of my Funny Times cartoons, click HERE. My pseudonym is Elephant Man. And no, I'm not a Republican. It's secretly ironic.
Also, I recently wrote a GREAT cartoon called the 'Funny Times Macarena', sung to the tune of the classic Spanish song, 'The Macarena'. My version includes brief, rhyming blurbs about the Funny Times cartoonists mentioned above.
And now, it's time to advance the ANNUAL CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN!!! I now have two days left until school ends, but Friday doesn't count, so it's really only one (on Friday we get to have a CHRISTMAS party). Also, I have to run an ANNUAL CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN correction. Last time I blogged, I said I had five days of school left until winter break. But since I was sick for two of those days, it was actually only three. We now return to our regularly scheduled ANNUAL CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN, already in progress...
Only 7 days until I get to open my first present, and 8 DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS!!!!! Whoooooo!!!!! As I've explained before, our tradition is to open one present on CHRISTMAS EVE.
Today's TOPIC OF INTEREST is the climate change summit in Copenhagen. Everyone, you should know that I believe fullheartedly in Global Warming. In fact, I believe in it so much, I use made-up words to prove my point. So even if some jackhole scientist was holding a cigarette lighter to the thermometer, I think Global Warming exists. It's just not as bad as we thought. Which brings me to Copenhagen, where the world overlords... I mean, leaders, are busy trying to figure out whether or not to save the planet. It's a difficult decision, so I am presenting THE PROS AND CONS OF GLOBAL WARMING RESPONSE. First off, doing nothing. The cons: By the year 2100, one million more species will be extinct, up to five billion people will suffer water shortage, Africa will be too hot to support life, 200 million people will lose their homes because of a three-foot water level increase, heat strokes and similar deaths will increase, and chunks of New York City will flood. On the pros, you get to keep driving your Hummer.
The pros of enacting strict fuel emissions laws: Nearly 600 million lives will be spared, species dependent on the ice caps, such as polar bears and walruses, will survive, and you can still go on an African safari. On the con side, you have to turn your Hummer over to your nearest cash for clunkers dealer.
I hope this helped you, world muckity-mucks. I'll blog you soon.

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