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Tuesday, December 29, 2009


QWERTYUIOP!!! Hi, people who are wasting their time reading someone else's blog! I just returned from a terrible experience, trying to redeem my gift certificates and return some shmuff I got for Christmas. I won't elaborate.
Okay, I will.
I tried to buy a DVD of Watchmen: The Movie. When I opened it, there was nothing inside. How shmuff. Someone had stolen it. And then we had to wait in a massive line to return it and get a refund. Oh, and then we tried to return something at Kohl's and got in the wrong line. I hate people. They are so evil.
I hit my 250th cartoon on Funny Times. Click HERE to visit Funny Times' Cartoon Playground and create some cartoons of your own using some of Matt Wuerker's click and drag drawings.
Also, today's feature is one I haven't used in a while: ERT ERT ERT BIG SPOILER ALERT! As you remember, just highlight the following blank space to see the spoilers. If you don't want to see spoilers to Sherlock Holmes: The Movie, then just skip it. Here we go: ERT ERT ERT BIG SPOILER ALERT!
The Sherlock Holmes Movie gets 8 1/2 out of ten stars. It was shmuffing good. The only bad thing is that Moriarty doesn't get too much of a role. But it was set up for a sequel when Moriarty stole part of Blackwood's cyanide machine. As it turns out, Blackwood never used any magic. It was all a big scam to get put in power, like McCain choosing Sarah Palin.
There you go. This was a short blog, but what are you gonna do?

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