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Monday, December 28, 2009

Better Know a Cartoonist...

Okay, this is it! I have five more blogs to do before I'm shmuffed, and only four days to do them. That means I have to do two blogs on one day, and why not make that today?
Today's TOPIC OF INTEREST is my new-er feature, BETTER KNOW A CARTOONIST. Today, my personal favorite artist of all time, HERMANN MEJIA!!!
Hermann works for MAD Magazine, and grew up in Caracas, Venezuela. He is the best MAD Magazine artist the world has ever seen (sorry, Mort Drucker and Sergio Argones). His signature style is to exaggerate the features of whoever he's drawing. Sometimes he even sculpts models of his artwork. Not only that, but he's also colorblind! He does all this work without even seeing in color! He uses an extensive color tablet to ink his drawings. Or his wife just tells him what to do. Either way, it seems to work. Here's his model of Bush:
That is a genius work of art. It's my Mona Lisa. Join me next time when I talk about... STEPHAN PASTIS!!!
Today's pearl of anti-wisdom: Nothing is gained by cheating: unless you're cheating on a diet.
And now, time for an edition of MASTER PLAN!!!!! Everyone, you know I believe wholeheartedly in global warming. And if you put that together with the fact that our government is nearing bankruptcy, there is only one conclusion: put a cover charge of $20 for entering a gas station! This will only work if all gas stations do it, because if there's one charging $20 across the street from one with no cover charge... well... which one would YOU go to? another llama mama for obama-rama
Anyway, because of the incredibly high cover charge, no one would want to waste gas, right? Well, then the hummers would go out of business because there would be no demand for a gas-guzzeling expensive car. Less fuel emissions would therefore be pumped into the atmosphere and... ta-daaaaah!!! Global warming--- averted.
But, of course, you couldn't cease our dependency on cars that easily. So when people go to get their gas, the $20 cover charge is sent to the state's government! This would work especially well for my home state of California.
So there you have it. My solution to global warming and governmental bankruptcy.
I'll blog you soon.

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